Being ignored by friends

Does anybody else feel completely ignored by their friends? I have certain friends that never reach out to me first, it will always be me who has to start the conversations. Whilst I do understand that the majority of people I speak to are neurotypical and have busy work lives I feel that if they truly wanted to be my friend they would try and connect? One friend in particular tends to very rarely post on social media or message people so I tend to try sending messages when they've recently posted things as I know they'll be on their phone, but it can go days or even weeks before I'll even get a response. 
It breaks my heart because it takes two minutes to check in with someone and say hi or to let them know you can't talk right now, and this friend is someone I have known for at least 8 years and they were my best friend in high school. Now I have an odd thing with relationships, I know I can be overwhelming and honestly I feel entitled to be responded to but I've worked on that and rarely message them anymore. I don't push people to respond to me but I really really struggle internally when they don't. 
I don't work myself due to extreme social phobia and mutism, so I think it's hard for me to understand their point of view about being busy. Do I give up on the friendship? Do I try and salvage it? I think it's worth noting that I have told them multiple times how I feel about them not responding and they've apologised and said they will try and be better with it but then there is just no change?

  • Ive got a scatty friend who moved back to my town. The problem is that she wants to meet me all the time and said let's meet up and go for a walk. Promised to text me, but never did. One year i was out most of the day and scatty friend decided to knock on my door to see if I was in. Family member tried to explain that I was out most of the day. 

    Had a massive clear out out of my phone contacts. I may write a message saying ive restricted myself to give out my number to people. Please can you delete my number? Is thsa

     ok to write?

    2006-2022 I was on Facebook and decided to delete my account (got out of control and had problems); approximately 2023 I'd started again and restricted myself (maybe maximum of 5 people); I try not to accept local people.

    When I first joined the community forum, members vanishes after a few messages, asking for my Facebook/Instagram etc. Had to start again on multiple times. 

    Snail Snail mail postage has gone up and my previous one vanished. Oh wish didn't do this in the first place. Polite way to send a letter saying can't be in touch anymore.

    From the NHS website:

    Do not rely on technology or social media alone to build relationships. It's easy to get into the habit of only ever texting, messaging or emailing people.

    Penguin penguin 

  • Ive got a scatty friend who moved back to my town. The problem is that she wants to meet me all the time and said let's meet up and go for a walk. Promised to text me, but never did. One year i was out most of the day and scatty friend decided to knock on my door to see if I was in. Family member tried to explain that I was out most of the day. 

    Had a massive clear out out of my phone contacts. I may write a message saying ive restricted myself to give out my number to people. Please can you delete my number? Is thsa

     ok to write?

    2006-2022 I was on Facebook and decided to delete my account (got out of control and had problems); approximately 2023 I'd started again and restricted myself (maybe maximum of 5 people); I try not to accept local people.

    When I first joined the community forum, members vanishes after a few messages, asking for my Facebook/Instagram etc. Had to start again on multiple times. 

    Snail Snail mail postage has gone up and my previous one vanished. Oh wish didn't do this in the first place. Polite way to send a letter saying can't be in touch anymore.

    From the NHS website:

    Do not rely on technology or social media alone to build relationships. It's easy to get into the habit of only ever texting, messaging or emailing people.

    Penguin penguin 

  • My advice for friends on here is to see if they have been around here and don't connect until you get a feel for what they are like from other messages. Don't dive in with a new person straight away to avoid the robot or fishing accounts. And never give away private information unless you are sure they are real and ok.