Autistic Chess Club

 and myself () started Autistic Chess Club last week. Today we had out first game and it was quite fun.

If you want to join, all you have to do is have an account on (it's anonymous) and put your username for it here, then befriend the users that you see in this thread. When they next log into they will add you back.

So far we have:

  • Oran G. Utan = "TamOBanter" (Profile Pic: same Oranutan)
  • Moonshadow = "Moonshadow1969" (Profile Pic: a dog)
  • Mark (Spikey) = "Mark-Spyke" (Profile Pic: same as here)
  • Huzzah! = "GeneralDroideka" (Profile Pic: General Droideka from Star Wars)

Rules (these rules are just a joke, and are ripped off from Fight Club)

  1. You do not talk about Autistic Chess Club.
  2. You do NOT talk about Autistic Chess Club.
  3. If someone resigns or goes limp, taps out, the match is over.
  4. Only two people to a match.
  5. One match at a time.
  6. You must wear shirts and shoes.
  7. Matches will go on as long as they have to.
  8. If this is your first time at Autistic Chess Club, you have to play

[I have just seen that there was already an Autistic Chess Club several years ago. Anyone from way back then is welcome too.

FINALLY: Today was probably my 6th ever game in my life. I am no good and not very likely to play much myself, but I thought it a good idea to get members together elsewhere anonymously too.

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