Overcoming hoarding at home

  • Seeking tips (hacks) and experiences of other asd adults - how have you managed to dispose of excess items at home, where the volume has become troublesome? I have started taking action and donated a few items but the process has stalled because I’m ambivalent about letting things go. Help please ! 
  • Work on the emotions behind it all, therapy is a good step, but otherwise try to rationalise each thing you keep.

    Another idea is to rate items 1 through 5 with 1 being I'll never miss this to 5 being I'd take this out of the house as much as mt loved ones/pets

  • Work on the emotions behind it all, therapy is a good step, but otherwise try to rationalise each thing you keep.

    Another idea is to rate items 1 through 5 with 1 being I'll never miss this to 5 being I'd take this out of the house as much as mt loved ones/pets

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