Overcoming hoarding at home

  • Seeking tips (hacks) and experiences of other asd adults - how have you managed to dispose of excess items at home, where the volume has become troublesome? I have started taking action and donated a few items but the process has stalled because I’m ambivalent about letting things go. Help please ! 
  • I have the opposite issue of donating almost everything (well this isn’t true, but if it doesn’t serve me anymore I get rid), as too much stuff gets me overwhelmed/there is more clutter for when it comes to cleaning (my least favourite task).

    However I definitely used to be on the other end of that spectrum, where I used to keep Every little thing (at one point I used to collect bus tickets and receipts of days out as a child, etc etc)!! I think as someone said therapy really helps! I think because I had a late diagnosis, I thought if I healed the root of all my hoarding fixations I would be fixed.. little did I know! 

    But other things that help me motivate me to let go is watching decluttering videos. As I sometimes don’t think it’s gotten that bad, and see cases of extreme hoarding that I believe I would never be that bad. Then they start to name issues I have and then I have a sort of external wake up call! Also maybe getting someone that is caring and empathetic to help with the process. As it’s such an emotional process.
    * Marie Kundo, helped as well as a gateway

    * The Carla Project, on YouTube 

    * For the extreme ones TLC shows and just YouTube ‘extreme hoarding clearing’

  • I found the most effective way is to allocate a specific amount of space to the thing I am hoarding (books are my current vice) and you can only have what will fit in the space - or less.

    It takes effort to reduce the collection to fit but it helps to give away the surplus to either charity or other collectors (sometimes selling things is more helpful).

    This way you can only add to the collection by removing something and this lets you focus on quality over quantity.

    It does work - I'm going to be restocking my bookcase and giving the ones I read to a local English school as English language books aren't very common where I live.

  • Work on the emotions behind it all, therapy is a good step, but otherwise try to rationalise each thing you keep.

    Another idea is to rate items 1 through 5 with 1 being I'll never miss this to 5 being I'd take this out of the house as much as mt loved ones/pets

  • I have a major problem with hoarding, which causes a lot of distress. I too would welcome any help.

  • Just make sure to donate stuff if it's in the way and making it hard to store other stuff really and be ruthless

    When you say hoarding though bear in mind hoarding is one or both of these criteria 

    Your collections are messy and not stored neatly

    You refuse to part with any item at all and give eeach item an attachment

    So long as you can either not attach feelings to things or say ok this book reminds me of the day my friend did x y Z either meep thr memory or take a photo of said item and get rid of the item