Any night owls around these days?

It's a question I asked a long time ago, but who knows how many new members have joined since then. I'm up all kinds of hourse due to sleep difficulties, so wondering who else might be around during the witching hours.

  • There's a lot of things we realise, I think, that we always thought were normal, but are actually symptoms of our ND conditions. I never knew sleep came that easily to most people. Never realised how bad my memory is until people started referring to conversations that I don't remember happening.

  • That is what I've heard too, and it might be worth checking into.

  • I always struggled to switch off at night and go to sleep, I almost fight to stay awake, but...

    I've found coffee before bed knocks me out. Seems counterintuitive, but might be something to do with the "suspected" ADHD that was mentioned when I got my Autism diagnosis. I just put it down to PDA, obsessive focus and other stuff causing me to show similar symptoms to ADHD, like forgetting things, half finished tasks etc 

    Having realised it seems to calm me I've played around with tea and coffee at different times. Tea seems to help focus but acts more like a stimulant, assumedly from the theanine and a low dose of caffeine together, sleeping isn't as easy if I have tea in the evening. where as coffee calms my racing brain and makes me slightly "dopey"  , I assume that's the caffeine.

    Makes me wonder if I might have ADHD too, given they say stimulants are a treatment for it and I find they do help me focus a while heap more.

  • I think it can be related. Stomach issues - if you get bloating/churning that keeps you awake look into reducing FODMAPs (you can do an elimination diet which finds out which of the FODMAPs you are sensitive to. This university is the best site to look at: monashfodmap dot com. It changed my life. They also have an app, so you can look up foods. All real science too.

    It doesn't help with rumination though, obviously, which also keeps me awake.

  • I struggle to sleep my whole life. I often hear “what is the problem just close your eyes and sleep!” For me if I sleep good one night without waking up, it’s a really good night and it happens rarely. Intestinal problems also accompany me since ever. Interesting if it has anything to do with autism or nothing at all. 

  • Yes unfortunetly quite a bit since the past couple of years. When I am medicated at night it lead me to wandering about my flat in my kitchen which can be dangerous and make feel vulnerable when i start doing in the night I don't want to like preparing food. I have had to put a lock on my kitchen door.

  • Hey, I really struggle with my sleep schedule so I'll be sleeping on and off all day and be awake for a good portion of the night. Usually spend this glorious alone time gaming.

  • Loud electric kettle noises? Or does your family have a super strong sense of smell? Being up all night I get hungry at irregular hours, and have found out just how strong my family's sense of smell is from two floors away (my parents sleep in the loft).

    Yeah shopping first thing in the morning definitely feels best. You also get the staff right as they're starting their shift, so the energy is often more relaxed. I could browse around, pick up a book, stop at a Greggs for what I guess would be dinner, and throw some pastry to the birds.

  • That certainly is another stone on the pile, I can see that. Were you able to meet with that person you were looking to reconnect with?

  • Sleep hygiene is a tough bet when your mind doesn't wanna shut down when you go to bed. My GP had me using this app that was supposed to improve my sleep hygiene, but all it really cared about was how long I was spending in bed and awake. One time I had insomnia real bad. Flopped into bed for that good good 40 minutes of sleep. Rolled right out of bed and recorded my findings. I was met with confetti and celebration for making such huge progress, purely because I passed out quick and got up quick.

  • Sleep problems are pretty common with NeuroDivergents. I myself was awake until 6am this morning. Part of the issue is our over-active minds. Apparently when NeuroTypical people go to bed, their minds shut down pretty quickly and they nod off straight to sleep. Even when I'm at my most exhausted, I'm lucky if I fall asleep within 30 minutes.

    Props for the friendliness, by the way.

  • why do you have poor sleep I am the same way and I only stay up till midnight and not at 1am and maybe we be friends and I like to get know you

  • I'm a female, Because of my female body I have estrogen and proestrogen problems now. I'm reading and writing.. Also I'm happy tomorrow i will see my favourite one.. I haven't seen her since 3 months and 12 days.. 

  • I''ll often stay up to the early hours of the morning. I've never had particularly good sleep hygiene. To quote my late father- '

    Mima and I tended to be rather short of sleep. Because you would not go to bed early,, had to have one of us stay with you until you went to sleep and tended to wake up with nightmares.'  That was as a toddler.
  • I find night too silent .... sometimes sr night I feel like something noisy will happen like once I had a feeling someone was going to run past screaming lol not sure why o guess silence is too much sometimes  I mean I like silence just not silence and darkness all at once 

  • Yes I have a poor sleep pattern 

  • Hey both of you

    I am around, it’s one of those unfortunate nights for me I’m afraid. I have my sons assessment buzzing around in my head which seems to be quite consuming atm. As you said Oran the ambiance at night is great, so peaceful and quiet. Usually if I wake early I would go straight for a cuppa but at this hour my family would not appreciate that! 

    I guess if you’re going out to do some shopping that’s a great time to go…. Before all the stampeding buffalo come crashing through the doors. 

  • I like the night ambiance, myself. Heck, if my sleep is bad enough, I can be still awake the next morning and take a walk around stores right as they open, long before any place becomes busy.

  • I prefer not be a night owl but working assorted hours it's a necessity sometimes