Alexa and the autistic voice

A trivial thing perhaps . It can take several attempts to get it to stop doing something.

  • I can't seem to post. Had music post blocked. And a reply here too.

    Trying again...

    My in-laws have a mixture of accents in their household. My brother-in-law-in-law is constantly fighting with Alexa. It is comical, actually and we are in stitches sometimes laughing. It does not like his New Zealand accent at all.

  • I can't seem to post. Had music post blocked. And a reply here too.

    Trying again...

    My in-laws have a mixture of accents in their household. My brother-in-law-in-law is constantly fighting with Alexa. It is comical, actually and we are in stitches sometimes laughing. It does not like his New Zealand accent at all.
