
I’ll be honest, one of the reasons I feel like I can’t properly immerse myself in this forum is down to how public it is. Along with the fact i have never felt comfortable in a group of people, and essentially that’s just what this place is. Years ago yahoo chat and msn worked for me, the general asl gave you a clue who you might click with, and more often than not you’d start a private chat. Eventually you’d click with someone (or a few people) and form an online friendship. I miss that! 

So I’m putting myself out there, if anyone feels similar, message me. I don’t bite, we might not click, we might well click, who knows.  

  • So I’m putting myself out there, if anyone feels similar, message me. I don’t bite, we might not click, we might well click, who knows.

    This is a nice sentiment, putting yourself out there, but I think what would help is if you shared a bit more about your hobbies and interests. I think shared interests would leave more room for healthy conversation.

  • Yes I do get that, but as I said I’m really not comfortable revealing anything personal about myself on a public forum where anyone can see, and possibly put 2 and 2 together and have someone work out who I am.

    I also really do struggle with posting in large groups. 

  • I get that but shared interests won't make you identifiable. It would be difficult for someone to decide to reach out to you without that.

  • That’s fair enough. 

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