pictures of lunch. Just that simple. just pictures.. of lunch, or breakfast.. or dinner

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  • You will find your food - it is a Quest! Onward to the summit!

  • White food disturbs me …especially milk. It doesn’t seem natural.

    Interesting that you have a lot of allergies. I don’t have any (that I know of)

    I would want to be vegetarian, dairy free, and gluten free… That’s the only things I’m okay eating though… I’ve tried eating nuts as a protein before and every time I almost vomit. It’s a work in progress.

  • interesting! I like greens, reds, yellows, browns, blues in berries and fruit, and black as in olives and eggplant and coffee. But Purple is just wrong, full stop. I am leery of white as well -unless it's a cheese.

    I also like textures that are well defined and don't slither about.  crunchy cukes and salad veggies, gummy and a little charred Beyond Burgers, steamed veggies.. lots of things.

    There are also a great many things on my no-fly list, most of them allergies: bananas, avocado (both slimy anyway.), wheat, well, point at something and I'm 50% probs allergic.

    I can't stomach eating animals either.  The idea of putting charred, dead animals in my mouth, just gross, and wrong for the animal.