Axl Rose , crazy frontman of G'nR, was ASPERGERS!

Axl's persona. It's been one of the striking elements of GN'R's image and success. His personality, mental health and emotional states and different aspects about them, have been much speculated upon in the media. This has included discussions on possible psychological issues that he has struggled with as well as personality traits that have helped him and GN'R succeed.

I remember reading that Axl had a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder with evidence of Psychosis, he tried to dismiss it is as him filling in a questionnaire and bingo, they gave him Lithium. I really can't see it being that simple, not even then.
Bipolar Disorder is difficult enough to cope with on its own, but it's also well known to set off episodes of Psychosis, and that's the more dangerous condition because that's when a person can become delusional, paranoid and even hallucinate. Believing things that are totally unrealistic and impulsive, uncontrollable behaviour are the result.

The thing with Axl is that we know at once so many little tidbits about him and his life, and also nothing at all. 

Let's take the autism thing, for example

Axl  has a bit of a tendency to talk about really personal stuff to random strangers like fans, journalists or an entire crowd while on stage. Could also be construed as an issue with social boundaries and awareness.

Obsessive behavior and high levels of anxiety are very common (or even defining) with Asperger's (and autism spectrum disorders in general) too, so these tendencies of Axl could just as easily be explained with Asperger's as with BPD, etc.

According to his teachers, Axl was a bright and gifted kid who would not stop talking about an idea he was obsessed with and annoyed everyone around him with it. And according to Slash and Duff he still loves to talk and go on endless rambles, and once he gets started on something it will be a looong time before he's done. Very similar to the Aspie kids.

There are a lot of examples of Axl seemingly being callous and not realizing how his actions affect those around him (Slash mentioned this issue specifically once when talking about Axl), yet he doesn't seem to do that on purpose and it's not like he suffers from a general lack of empathy or some form of antisocial personality disorder (at least I really don't think so). Axl actually seems perfectly capable of empathy and cares a lot for the people he loves. And he shows it too, but with the examples we know of, it's usually a case of somebody very obviously being in a bad situation (Duff and Steven in hospital, Slash in prison, Del in the middle of riots, etc). With less clear-cut and obvious situations, he might have trouble seeing how other people might perceive things differently than him or even suffer because of his own actions.

Axl also seems to have melt-downs sometimes when he gets too over-whelmed with things.

Izzy once said Axl had a really hard time relating to other people, that he does not think like "normal" people.

I think despite everything we know about him, we just don't have enough information. The only thing that can be said for certain imo is that Axl's behavior is pretty neurodivergent in many aspects and there is most likely something going on with him that most "regular" people don't have to deal with.

What do you think has been the impact of Axl's personality on the success of Guns N' Roses and what do you think he actually has?

These are the possibilities:

- Axl is autistic (Asperger's to be specific)  ( my personal presumption)

- Axl is bipolar

- But he might also have Borderline Personality disorder

- He also suffers from PTSD

- And also ADHD, OCD