Bits and bobs, this and that

I thought I'd start a more general thread where we can just post little things, like how our day has been, funny incidents etc that don't need much in the way of answer, but just everyday nonsense.

I'm covered in little catty claw pin *** marks, from newly returned Boris cat reaching up and trying to pull my trousers down! He's realised that one of the best ways to get a human to do what he wants is to stretch up and stick his claws into the fabric of your trousers just below your bum and then sit down taking the trousers with him. If you're wearing a skirt of nightie he grabs hold of the hem and shakees it!

I'm to hot, I hope it will cool down soon, I'm having trouble sleeping.

I'm reading a really interseting book by Professor Dame Sue Black, called All That Remains and is about the skeleton and what it tells forensic anthropologists. Some of you might know her from TV, things like History Cold Cases.

  • Does anyone here ever get through a full jar of pesto before it starts to turn? Why don't they make the jars smaller!

  • A bit less fun than pesto, but I buy pro-biotic capsules to sprinkle over food (to help with IBS). After several weeks the powder inside the capsules has solidified which makes it much harder. I can't just swallow whole as that upsets my stomach too. The first time I did it, I got 3 larger bottles of them because of a 3rd one for free offer. Was a total waste!

  • A bit less fun than pesto, but I buy pro-biotic capsules to sprinkle over food (to help with IBS). After several weeks the powder inside the capsules has solidified which makes it much harder. I can't just swallow whole as that upsets my stomach too. The first time I did it, I got 3 larger bottles of them because of a 3rd one for free offer. Was a total waste!
