The wanderer returns

My wandering cat Boris turned up last night, he'd been away for about 6 weeks, he looked well fed and cared for, but he was starving, indesperate need of food milk and catnip, now he's following me round everywhere yelling his head off wanting to sit on me, it's like we were the ones who went away for 6 weeks, he even sat on MUms lap whilst she was on the loo!

I'd love to know where he goes, theres no point in putting a collar on him, we've tried before and he gets it off within minutes. I asked him if he was back for Lugnassad, but he said no, I think he's either been at a local camp site, scrounging sausages off peoples BBQs or he's been looking after himself, he's an excellent hunter and used to catch rabbits for my greyhounds. I wondering if he's a reincarnation of a famous Viking, who took his spring trip after the planting had been done, was home for the harvest and then went off on his autumn trip and was back in time for the sea lanes to close.

Maybe he's a cat wizzard who has to go to the Old Down Time and preform tasks to keep the worlds running? It would explain why he's so tired when he gets home!

  • At least he didn't come back with his face all smashed up this time. About 5 years ago he came home with a broken jaw, it turned out it was broken in 3 places and a tooth was broken and abcessed. We took him to a vetinary maxilofacial surgeon who put him all back together. He had to be tube fed for a month until his face healed and he could have his teeth uncemented. Now to look at him, you'd never believe he was so seriously hurt, he's back catching rabbits.

  • At least he didn't come back with his face all smashed up this time. About 5 years ago he came home with a broken jaw, it turned out it was broken in 3 places and a tooth was broken and abcessed. We took him to a vetinary maxilofacial surgeon who put him all back together. He had to be tube fed for a month until his face healed and he could have his teeth uncemented. Now to look at him, you'd never believe he was so seriously hurt, he's back catching rabbits.
