PIP Tribunal

Hi has anyone got any advice for me about going through a PIP tribunal. I have a date for mine now and I’m really scared about it.

  • I' waiting on one and it could be a decent while yet, so congratulations of getting an actual date for it. I was advised by a disability support organisation to seek out (once a date is known) a representaive to come with you on the day. The Citizen's Advice Beurea supposedly will offer this support. Your local one might be under a name like 'citizen advice hub' or similar, as I believe there's been a 'brand' refresh there. The idea is that they can step in during any moments your having a wobble or, due to nerves, omitted something helpful to your cause. It also demonstrates in real time the challenges you have - that you need advocacy back-up in the room basically. While it's not essential that you do this (not mandatory anyway) it is fairly standard. Or so I'm told. 

  • I will contact the citizen advice again when I spoke to them at the beginning of my PIP process they weren’t helpful at all and the lady I spoke to just said well I don’t think you’ll get it anyway without knowing my struggles. 

  • I will contact the citizen advice again when I spoke to them at the beginning of my PIP process they weren’t helpful at all and the lady I spoke to just said well I don’t think you’ll get it anyway without knowing my struggles. 

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