Hallucinations and bats! (Nice story!)

One of my things is that when I am very tired, I get hallucinations.

This isn't as bad as it first sounds - it's not fun or scary stuff like giant pink pixies. It's more like movements out of the corner of my eye.

Anyway, I tell you all this because I had this movement one morning in May and just thought, "here we go again!". But, when I looked straight at it, the movement continued.

The movement was in a glass vase that is in our lean-to that is sort of indoors, but is really just a crappily built extension with a plastic roof.

I went in there an thought a little mouse had got into the vase.

On closer inspection, it was the cutest little bat! In all my years, I have never been this close to one. I took the shortest of videos for proof but I didn't want to prolong it's distress.

I tipped it out onto some leaves outside and then if sniffed around for a minute or two and then happily flew off.

I was so happy about this for days and days.

The video upload doesn't work, so here is a rubbish photo. It was 10x cuter than this picture suggests.

  • Wow, what a fascinating experience! It's amazing how our minds can play tricks on us, especially when we're tired-but in this case it led to a delightful encounter with a tiny bat! Soo cute. It's moments like these that remind us of the magic and wonder that can be found in this life.

    Thank you for sharing your story and the adorable photo-it's really made my day seeing your pic and reading this. Relaxed

  • Thank you, Paige! I wish I could post the video. It's only a few seconds long and of similar quality to the pic, but it is so much cuter.

  • That's such a shame your video won't upload. This site can be pretty buggy so it could be to do with that. I heard there's going to be a new forum this year so hopefully the video uploading will work on it. Relaxed

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