Hallucinations and bats! (Nice story!)

One of my things is that when I am very tired, I get hallucinations.

This isn't as bad as it first sounds - it's not fun or scary stuff like giant pink pixies. It's more like movements out of the corner of my eye.

Anyway, I tell you all this because I had this movement one morning in May and just thought, "here we go again!". But, when I looked straight at it, the movement continued.

The movement was in a glass vase that is in our lean-to that is sort of indoors, but is really just a crappily built extension with a plastic roof.

I went in there an thought a little mouse had got into the vase.

On closer inspection, it was the cutest little bat! In all my years, I have never been this close to one. I took the shortest of videos for proof but I didn't want to prolong it's distress.

I tipped it out onto some leaves outside and then if sniffed around for a minute or two and then happily flew off.

I was so happy about this for days and days.

The video upload doesn't work, so here is a rubbish photo. It was 10x cuter than this picture suggests.