Who's going to write "None of the above" on their ballot paper tomorrow?

Does anyone else have the conviction that whoever wins the election tomorrow, nothing will really improve for us here in England?

  • Imagine if everyone who was dissatisfied with the current state of affairs did this. Rather than opting for a party they dont much agree with or abstaining. What a message it would send. Spoiled ballot papers are counted.

  • Regardless of what happens, even if Labour does get a landslide victory, it will mean nothing, as the globalist elites will simply do whatever they want - Keir Starmer is a WEF Puppet, as is Prince William, King Charles is a puppet of and is owned by the Rothschilds - they will simply impose their own version of police state and martial law upon us all and this can only lead to serious civil conflict in the U.K. alone in the next few years while the economy continues to decline - an all-out race war is also very much on the cards which will be far worse in Ireland, on top of the threat of WW4 (as Covid was a silent version of WW3) even aside from things like solar flares or asteroid strikes - most people, who are still choosing to remain asleep 4 years after Covid, will only wake up when it’s too late - western civilisation is in an irreversible state of decline and there can never be any turning back from this decline, because once we enter that phase, there is no turning back, except by direct divine intervention 

  • may be the football can cheer us up ?

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