Who's going to write "None of the above" on their ballot paper tomorrow?

Does anyone else have the conviction that whoever wins the election tomorrow, nothing will really improve for us here in England?

  • I have already voted using a postal vote. I don’t know how old you are I Sperg - but I’m old enough to remember various governments and I think they have varied in many profound ways that absolutely HAS made a difference to people’s day to day lives. For example: when Blair/Labour got into power I was getting something like £6 a week in Family Tax Credits - and by the time they lost power it was much higher and that made a real difference to how much money we as a family had to spend on necessities like healthier food, or whether or not we could put the heating on. I remember as well that they made a payment of something like £35 a week to Sixth Form students, and the Tories axed that, and in some cases it made the difference as to whether some children could afford to stay  on to do A levels (and consequently didn’t go to Uni). These might seem like small differences but they really do have a serious impact on people’s lives and children’s futures. 
    I would say to everyone on here: PLEASE VOTE! Have your say - because this is YOUR LIFE and you deserve a say in how things are run. You might not get the result you want (although you might!) but at least you will be standing up for your right to express your view and your priorities. Also it has to be said that the Tories have done NOTHING to improve the lives of autistic people and disabled people in general - so that’s something to consider. 

  • I think that you put this very well, and I agree. You have actually experienced the tangible differences directly.

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