Executive functioning's totally f****d

I hate the fact my EF is totally f****d. I hate even more the fact I've never had help and support for it.  Multistep tasks are my nemesis. Prioritising the steps to be taken so damned difficult. Some days it's like there's 20  different TV channels on at the same time each showing a different program.  Doing most high range IQ tests are a walk in the park compared to that! My organising and planning ability is in the toilet.

  • Yes. I’m useless at running my own life unfortunately, it’s not great. Worst of it is it can make me feel like such a failure. Simple things - sometimes I just can’t deal with them. It’s weird because I’m not lacking in intelligence - and yet I struggle so much with so many day to day aspects of life - to the extent that I can get suicidal thoughts when faced with basic functional problems in life. It’s a bit rubbish isn’t it? Try to be kind to yourself and not be too judgemental of yourself - we have a neurological difference - it’s not our fault.

  • Yes. I’m useless at running my own life unfortunately, it’s not great. Worst of it is it can make me feel like such a failure. Simple things - sometimes I just can’t deal with them. It’s weird because I’m not lacking in intelligence - and yet I struggle so much with so many day to day aspects of life - to the extent that I can get suicidal thoughts when faced with basic functional problems in life. It’s a bit rubbish isn’t it? Try to be kind to yourself and not be too judgemental of yourself - we have a neurological difference - it’s not our fault.

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