That feeling of not belonging/fitting in

I don't know whether it's because I'm not a pure autistic person, I also have severe mental illness, but I find it hard to fit in here. Others here seem to have no difficulty bonding with each other, and chatting like they've known each other for many years. That's a great social skill to have., but one I don't have. For want of a better phrase I'd say other posters  here are 'socially adept' in a way I'll never be. They lead far more high powered lives. 

They have/have had good careers . Have good academic qualifications. I never had a paid job, and only did a bit of voluntary work. My academic qualifications stopped at 6 O levels. I've never pursued further education due to bullying related trauma.  I have to have a lot of practical support because of poor adaptive functioning ability.

  • Hi Firemonkey,

    I don't think anyone would be able to gage the level of "fitting in" by a message board, so I don't think you should judge yourself harshly, especially after writing a very interesting and honest post.  I think the difficulty with fitting in is what the Autistic community has been struggling with forever, and it's not something which other people will have difficulty with offering some empathy.

    Regarding your second paragraph, don't under estimate the massive power of LUCK in people being in the right place at the right time for things to slot into place in order to make things happen like qualifications and jobs.

    I would not have gone to university had I not had a sister who went to university, and I peevishly thought "I'm as clever as her!? if she can go than so can I!"

    Every job I've ever had I only got because of a series of lucky strikes like seeing the advert, or someone sending me a link - if I hadn't have known that person, if that person hadn't have thought of me at the time etc. etc. The good news is we can make positive steps towards improving our luck to make things better.

    You didn't mention in your post what  you'd like to happen?  Would you like to meet people, is there a type of lifestyle or something you think you'd like some help doing?

    Maybe ask on here, someone may be able to help, give some advice.

    Don't be a stranger Blush

  • Physical limitations aside. I'd like to feel socially confident enough to take part in the branch meetings of my local Labour party. Severe social anxiety, and a pathological fear of making a  fool of myself, stays my hand.

    I'd classify myself as a simple spreader of information, to hopefully help others. Something I've done for the last 25 years via RSS subscriptions. I say 'simple' because anyone of average intelligence could do it.

  • I'm a Green Party councillor, and being 'a simple spreader of information, to hopefully help others' is my life mission! The Labour Party are lucky to have you.

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