Clarification on the purpose of these forums.

Could anybody educate me as to what these forums are actually for? Thinking 

It's clear that what I thought the overall purpose was, and the reality wildly differ. 

Many thanks 

  • I do not believe this place NEEDS a particular stated purpose........because it SERVES an EVIDENT purpose, for some of us, who happen to be considered as autistic.

  • it SERVES an EVIDENT purpose

    Spot on!

    The purpose is to provide a place for a hugely divergent bunch of people with shared traits and experiences to talk about stuff that interests them and to ask / answer questions relating to this.

  • Would you care to expand on your position? You, along with your cohort seem to be happy to make assumptions. Surely debate should be had? The evidence examined, before your allowed to presume anything. 

    Isn't that the respectful thing to do?

  • if I am obligated to respect a person's right to not be called a cohort (which in itself is absurd) then others have a duty to respect my word choice. 

    For the sake of absolute clarity (as it appears I have inadvertently embroiled myself within a circumstance that seems to demand this level of granularity) [woe is me!].......I do not "obligate" anyone NOT to associate me with any "cohort" of their is merely that I do not choose to associate myself within ANY cohort whatsoever.

    Similarly, I do not feel "duty bound" to respect the word (or words) of others......but I always choose to do so, unless there is a sound reason not to do so.

    I hope that can mark a respectful end to my involvement with this particular discourse.

    I wish all, a good nights sleep.

  • if I am obligated to respect a person's right to not be called a cohort (which in itself is absurd) then others have a duty to respect my word choice. 

    For the sake of absolute clarity (as it appears I have inadvertently embroiled myself within a circumstance that seems to demand this level of granularity) [woe is me!].......I do not "obligate" anyone NOT to associate me with any "cohort" of their is merely that I do not choose to associate myself within ANY cohort whatsoever.

    Similarly, I do not feel "duty bound" to respect the word (or words) of others......but I always choose to do so, unless there is a sound reason not to do so.

    I hope that can mark a respectful end to my involvement with this particular discourse.

    I wish all, a good nights sleep.

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