What's your communication style?

For me I have found that I am much more talkative over text, in person or on calls I struggle with thinking of what to say and saying it. In person I only really talk if I get asked questions, whereas over text I can respond much more easily. It's not perfect as sometimes I don't respond to texts due to not knowing how or the "best" way, but it's a lot easier than communicating verbally.

I wondered how many other people preferred written over verbal communication and vice versa. 

  • I like written communication too, I've got more time to articulate my thoughts and can edit, otherwise if I speak out loud I feel like I could ramble and backtrack too much to make sure I'm understood correctly.

    I do like talking to people I know too, I've learned one on one is best, maybe with 2 people. But once a group is 3 or more I feel lost, I'm concentrating too much on what's being said and cannot find an opening to speak myself, I'm lost in the group dynamics.

    I hate phone calls, especially if I have to call for something like appointments or call centres, I would happily put those off forever!

  • One-on-one, in person = my preferred. ....always.. ..because I can adjust the content and style of my projected communications to suit, AND, most importantly, when the conversation is over....it ends there and then.

    There is no fear of the endless, timeless, communications that can drag on, pointlessly, for days in this 'forum based' tap-tap method.

  • Ditto! I'm way more talkative via my phone by text and email than in person. I can hold up a conversation on my phone in text, use emojis to convey how I'm feeling but in person I'm introverted and nearly always silent. For me technology allows me to interact fluently with little stress.

  • I prefer writing: texting, emails, autism message boards...I have time to think about what to say and can correct what I've said without having offended anyone. Basically, when I'm writing, I'm much more in control of what I'm saying. Also, conversations are difficult for me because I'm hopeless with non-verbal cues, I struggle to hear, and I have a really flat monotone, so I bore people very easily. I'm far more interesting and witty when I communicate via writing - as you will have no doubt gathered from this message. Slight smile

  • Like the others, it depends on the context and the other person. But I know I also like non-verbal communication. Sitting with someone, doing something together but not necessarily talking. On days off, if I need company, I like sitting in a coffee shop for a short time to get some social company without the dependency or need to talk. Before the noise and lights become too much.

  • My preferred communication style seems to depend very much upon who I am communicating with. For example, I have no issue with talking on the phone or face-to-face with people I like and know well.

    If communicating with someone I don't like, or don't know, my preference is for text-based communication, such as e-mail.

    For me, there are pros and cons to all styles of communication. With text-based communication one has the advantage of being able to take one's time reading what the other person has said, processing it, and then formulating a response. However, it can be difficult to convey tone, and in my experience it can be harder to clear up any misunderstandings.

  • Written communication is also hit and miss, because I then overthink my wording, and it can come across differently to how I intended.

  • I'm the same, I enjoy a good conversation but it has to be with the right people.

    I find written comunication much more thoughtful, there are fewer distractions, I think people respond to written comunication differently too, it depends though some read the first couple of sentences and then go off on one or read the title and reply to that rather than the body of the post, which I find really irritating, they obviously don't listen and are just waiting to pounce with their thoughts.

  • Much prefer written communication but I do like to speak to people I'm comfortable with even if only to listen and nod along!

  • I wondered how many other people preferred written over verbal

    Written is my preference.

    There is plenty of scope to check it makes sense, do a quick search if additional info is needed (e.g. a link or explaining an acronym for TheCatWoman), to read it back to make sure it makes sense and answers the question and finally to decide if it is worth sending.

    Sometimes taking a step back and deciding if it is really worth doing can avoid a load of hassle so it is better to just reply with an "ok" or "I don't know" is best.

  • I'm the same as you. Verbally, I only speak if I'm spoken to, unless it's actively invited.

    I enjoy verbal communication with people I'm comfortable with.