Lowering voting age

labour are toying with the idea of allowing 16 or 17 year old the vote. I think about time too, in the devolved assemblies you get the vote at 16. I don't think you can ask young people to be better citizens and do more for society without giving them a say on government.

  • Well, it's been something Labour have wanted to do for a while - and fair enough. They're right, if you're old enough to work, you're old enough to vote. 

    That's an approach underpinned by the premise that by 16, a person may be considered a young adult. 

    Which is hardly revolutionary.

  • if you're old enough to work, you're old enough to vote. 

    I remember learning how to bricklay and assist an electrician at the age of eight... I also repaired my first radio set around that time... 

    At the time there was a man in the papers (which I had been avidly reading for some years) by the name of Enoch Powell who was CLEARLY getting the sort of treatment from his peers that I was already used to.

    I learned that day that politics was really another way of saying BULLYING, and decided I wanted no part of it.

    Smart Kid, I was.

    I still wouldn't have put me behind the wheel of a car, in charge of a loaded firearm, or in  a voting booth at that time.

  • if you're old enough to work, you're old enough to vote. 

    I remember learning how to bricklay and assist an electrician at the age of eight... I also repaired my first radio set around that time... 

    At the time there was a man in the papers (which I had been avidly reading for some years) by the name of Enoch Powell who was CLEARLY getting the sort of treatment from his peers that I was already used to.

    I learned that day that politics was really another way of saying BULLYING, and decided I wanted no part of it.

    Smart Kid, I was.

    I still wouldn't have put me behind the wheel of a car, in charge of a loaded firearm, or in  a voting booth at that time.
