Safety First has failed

This obsession with 'Safe Spaces' has failed our society. Out of it emerged a Militant Nihlism; Hell-Bent on stamping toes.

We need to restore the Position of the Father, in a Family, and the concept of Respect.

When I was younger, I resented being smacked; by my Mum. And became passionate about banning Corporal Punishment. Now, on reflection, I see that it was the best thing to ever happen me. I was supposed to externalise, rather than internalise.

  • i think it needs both.. this is why we have 2 parents.... one that raises us with love, one that raises us with discipline.

    you need both

    my father punished me physically alot and shouted at me alot. it got me to hate him... but in the end it got me to avoid doing bad stuff, it got me more conscious of the world, it got me to think of others as i often would get smacked if i so much as got in the way of anyone elses path. this made me conscious of other people around me and to not get in peoples way, and to have respect and awareness of other people to not be a nuisance or ever be in anyones way.... my mother raised me with love and id do anything for her. this combo, you have both, and both work.... if you have just 1 alone you get trouble... too much love and no discipline you turn into a bad person, too much discipline and no love you be a bad person.... but you get both, you become the better person. this is why we need a father and a mother.

    the mother raises us with love, the father raises us with discipline.

  • But Fathers are demonised, in modern society.

  • ofcourse, the natural effect of people not appreciating discipline and others telling them they are wrong and setting them on a right path by a stern hand.... we have a soft society that hates a firm hand. we have a society with people that never like to hear that they are wrong, or never like to hear the word "no". unruly, disgraceful society.... but in the end they destroy themselves as society collapses without strict discipline and rule following for the greater good... and also it needs people to fight for it when russia kicks off and the softies that demonise discipline and rules will never fight to defend their society or lives. all in all society collapses the soft way it is

  • Well, if we're doing quotes here...(subject to interpretations and differing translations).....I like the one that goes, "he who has a mighty sword, but chooses not to use it, is good."  I like it because if you apply the principle to the human historical record, it renders up some interesting alternative perspectives on how and why things played out.

    All a bit philosophical for a Monday perhaps......but it is a bank holiday, and this is....this forum.

  • tbh theres a better one there with how putin uses prisoners as cannon fodder.

    he willingly throws away their lives in exchange for their freedom, they be cannon fodder and if they survive they are free. but ofcourse cannon fodder doesnt survive. given they are prisoners being punished and used as canon fodder with freedom dangling over them as potential reward this is probably the better usage.

  • tbh theres a better one there with how putin uses prisoners as cannon fodder.

    he willingly throws away their lives in exchange for their freedom, they be cannon fodder and if they survive they are free. but ofcourse cannon fodder doesnt survive. given they are prisoners being punished and used as canon fodder with freedom dangling over them as potential reward this is probably the better usage.

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