Safety First has failed

This obsession with 'Safe Spaces' has failed our society. Out of it emerged a Militant Nihlism; Hell-Bent on stamping toes.

We need to restore the Position of the Father, in a Family, and the concept of Respect.

When I was younger, I resented being smacked; by my Mum. And became passionate about banning Corporal Punishment. Now, on reflection, I see that it was the best thing to ever happen me. I was supposed to externalise, rather than internalise.

  • We need to restore the Position of the Father, in a Family, and the concept of Respect.

    That is such a binary take on relationships and does not respect the many loving pairs / groupings of all sorts of sexual identifications.

    I suspect we have reached the point in most first world societies where we are starting to see all the conventions break down, the birth rate plummet (leading to population shinkage) and the dilution from other cultures take up the slack.

    In a few decades we will probably be under Sharia law anyway and all those who don't convert to Islam will be steadily removed and we go back to the medieval approach to the family unit and respect - problem solved.

  • We need to restore the Position of the Father, in a Family, and the concept of Respect.

    That is such a binary take on relationships and does not respect the many loving pairs / groupings of all sorts of sexual identifications.

    I suspect we have reached the point in most first world societies where we are starting to see all the conventions break down, the birth rate plummet (leading to population shinkage) and the dilution from other cultures take up the slack.

    In a few decades we will probably be under Sharia law anyway and all those who don't convert to Islam will be steadily removed and we go back to the medieval approach to the family unit and respect - problem solved.

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