Too neurotypical to be autistic but too autistic to be neurotypical

Lately I've felt like I don't fit. Like I don't struggle enough to be considered autistic. I do struggle, of course. I probably struggle more than neurotypicals do. And I know that being autistic isn't only about struggling. But sometimes it feels like I am faking it. Like it's just another mask that I put on. These sentences are so hard to write. It's like trying to catch a specific snowflake in the blizzard that is my brain. So I'll just stop here. Have you ever felt this way?

  • I totally get this, I'm not diagnosed but two of my children are and it explains so much about them and me, the difficulties we have with too much noise or bright lights in certain shops or changing our plans at the last moment.  I'm 50 and have managed all my life in main stream school, work and friendships but gosh it's overwhelming and lonely even when surrounded by loved ones x

  • I totally get this, I'm not diagnosed but two of my children are and it explains so much about them and me, the difficulties we have with too much noise or bright lights in certain shops or changing our plans at the last moment.  I'm 50 and have managed all my life in main stream school, work and friendships but gosh it's overwhelming and lonely even when surrounded by loved ones x

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