Should Interview question be given to all candidates in advance of an interview?


I'm new to this forum.

I have been having a discussion with a colleague about whether interview questions for a new job should be given to autistic individuals in advance on an interview AND also given to neuro-typical candidates?

I think that they should only be given to autistic candidates and not the neuro-typical candidates; as this is a reasonable adjustment that levels the playing field for the autistic candidate.

My colleague says he understands this point of view but feels it is the fairer approach to give it to both candidates .. and removes an allegation of unfairness from the neuro-typical candidate.

Would really welcome your thoughts as I want to raise with my HR team at work.


  • This assumes that you'd disclose being autistic during the application process, not sure if I'd want to do that or not to be honest, I've only been diagnosed this year and can safely say all interviews I ever had felt like being dragged through 7 kinds of hell, now I know why at least, it's my masking gone into overdrive.

    Guess if I ever have another I'll need to decide on disclosure.

  • This assumes that you'd disclose being autistic during the application process, not sure if I'd want to do that or not to be honest, I've only been diagnosed this year and can safely say all interviews I ever had felt like being dragged through 7 kinds of hell, now I know why at least, it's my masking gone into overdrive.

    Guess if I ever have another I'll need to decide on disclosure.

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