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Apparently people can not stop putting words in my mouth. What I’m enduring on this forum is the exact same cr*p I’ve recently endured where other people are taking and putting words in my mouth and accusing me of things that I am not doing or am. From pointing out that all forms of discrimination stems from white supremacy somehow gets turned into me being a racist against white people. How’s this any better than me getting accused of trying to break up a married couple because one of the spouses in the relationship wants a sexual relationship with me and then all that person’s friends ganged up on me and turned me into the problem and no one told of the one who was initiating it off? Same cr*p happening here. I am so sick and tired of everywhere I turn I’m the villain and then everyone wants to say I have this victim mentality, huh, can’t imagine how or why, usually am because I understand better than anyone that I am not responsible for other people’s actions just like I wasn’t responsible for my father beating my brother in the head to the guy who’s married wanting a sexual relationship with me to people putting words in my mouth and falsely accusing me of racism. I am responsible for one person’s actions and that’s mine alone and people can despise me for wanting Autistic people to be treated equally to everyone else just like any other minority group and hate me for point out that all discrimination stems from white supremacy. Is it my fault people on here don’t know white supremacy is an ideology? Nope. Not my problem. Is it also my fault people don’t use Google to look this stuff up and see that I’m not the only person who has made the connection? Nope. Also, it comes off xenophobic of people on here to act like discrimination is just an American problem when it isn’t, it’s all over the world, even here in the UK (J.K. Rowling, for example or this UK website that also brings up how gender binary is white supremacy). I don’t need to deal with it. I will not sit here and take responsibility for other people’s actions. I have every right to speak my mind without being falsely accused of things, especially being falsely accused of being racist. Nope. I’m not taking responsibility for that and people can say I’m the problem all they want, I am not the one who came on here and accused anyone of being racist or called anyone racist over simply pointing out and trying my best to explain why discrimination stems from white supremacy. People can disagree with me on it all they want, that’s fine but accusing me of racism is going too far. Don’t appreciate being accused of things or having words put in my mouth and then expected to take responsibility for other people’s actions. Been dealing with that since I was three years old and my father beat my 18 month old brother in the head to where he’s physically and mentally handicapped and my father still blames me. Nope! Not responsible for other people, their actions, the things they say or do, the words they put in other people’s mouths, that’s solely on the people doing it. Has nothing to do with me and I don’t need it. Thanks for triggering my CPTSD, gonna have nightmares now because people gotta attack someone just cause they disagree with them and cba to do a bit of googling to see what I’m talking about. Bye! Won’t be coming back.

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    Kind Regards,

    Rosie Mod

  • Well my main account has falsely been flagged for spam and abuse and so has many of my posts on this account. Thank you for showing me this is not a safe space for Autistic LGBTQ+ or BIPOC people. Also, I blasted what has happened on Facebook and many Jewish, LGBTQ+ and BIPOC people found what was said about N*zism not being wh*te s*premacy to be highly offensive.

  • Yeah, I don’t need the psychological abuse I’m getting on this forum over people not knowing the difference between a term for an ideology and racism and discrimination.

  • Thanks. Yeah, I don’t need the psychological abuse I’m getting in this forum.

  • Indeed.  This place is a forum - safety cannot be assured.  Notwithstanding, having been around here for a while now myself, I don't think it is an especially unsafe nor unreasonable place to be ...... although as in life ..... certain topics do seem to generate "leaving events" these days.

    I wish you well enflores3000, I hope you find a place that you will be comfortable within.

  • Couldn't / Didn't read all that. But bye then.

  • I give my opinion about not discriminating against white people, and not to discriminate against "cis white straight males."

    Falsely accusing someone of discrimination is bullying when they’ve made it clear several times that “cis white straight male supremacy” is an ideology and has nothing to do with being racist towards white people. So continuing this accusation for using the correct terminology is actually making you the one who’s being discriminatory towards a BIPOC person. So maybe take your own advice about not being discriminatory?

  • So much emotions. I don't think it'll be right for me to laugh at you about being emotional, even though you've found it funny if I or other people were being that way. And I'm not attacking you. You've brought up white supremacy, I give my opinion about not discriminating against white people, and not to discriminate against "cis white straight males." If you don't want discrimination, don't do it. 

  • I'm not sure how saying all forms of discrimination stem from white supremacy is okay. Are you making this space safe and inclusive for white people? You should not discriminate against people for having white skin color. That is not right. But I hope you overcome your complex ptsd about your father, as that's obviously not right either. 

    And here we go continuing the false accusation of racism. White supremacy is an IDEOLOGY has nothing to do with racism against white people and I’m done explaining that and continuing to be accused of racism because people do not want to understand that. This is not my problem, this is yours. You don’t want understand white supremacy is an ideology, that’s YOUR problem, not mine. If anyone is not making this a safe space it is you because you can’t even read the words WHITE SUPREMACY IS AN IDEOLOGY . Google is free you know? Not my fault you guys are falsely accusing me of racism and continuing to attack me because you don’t know the difference between racism towards white people and an ideology. So please stop accusing me of stuff.

    Links to other sites linking homophobia, sexism, misogyny and transphobia to the ideology:

    So keep putting this on me and falsely accusing me. All this is is bullying me at this point as I have shown that I’m not the only person who thinks this, it’s not just an American thing and I am still getting accused of racism because people are offended by the name of an ideology and somehow that’s my fault even though I’m not the one who coined the name of the ideology. So tired of taking responsibility for other people…

  • I do think you are making yourself out as a victim in this post. I don't think putting words into others mouths is good, and you've tried to explain your true thoughts. But it got to a point where obviously nobody is willing to listen or change their mind. at that point is when it wouldve been good to just leave the post. in my opinion. I think making a goodbye post is unnecessary and a bit immature but I do think you make some interesting topics regardless if I agree or disagree so would like if you stayed. I think everybody on this forum could work on being able to discuss without making jabs at others.

  • I'm not sure how saying all forms of discrimination stem from white supremacy is okay. Are you making this space safe and inclusive for white people? You should not discriminate against people for having white skin color. That is not right. But I hope you overcome your complex ptsd about your father, as that's obviously not right either. 

  • Also, this forum is not a safe space as is claimed.