Some of the real UFO stuff...

Some of this is real, some of it is misdirection, but it is educational, you have my word on that.

WIth certain parts of science as with politics, Winston Churchill's famous saying come into play, "The Truth is surrounded by a bodyguard of lies".

Bear that in mind as you enter the real version of the Twighlight Zone. It's quite an extraordinary little video. 

  • Spplemental information, I read "hello stupid" (It's findable on the web now) by Beau Kitselmann back in 1968...

    I rediscovered Townsend Brown pretty much as soon as I got on the internet in the late nineties. Ended up administrating the family webste for a while around 2012...  

    Unlike most alternative reality/physics (But not, all. It's very important that. Not all) although it's obscure tehre is enough detail and truth for an honest experimenter to start work in the field, at home, and extend the limits of what is known...)

    Just don't publish ANYTHING that you accomplish on the internet.  That way lies endless argument with fools (or worse), and distratction from the work, and if you are really good at the science, proper trouble. 

    For once I was lucky, I'm good enough to have learned some stuff, and made some minor acomplishment, just enough to attract the argument phase, but I was not good enough to attract "trouble" as I have witnessed some do. 

    The rules for honest workers in the field of alternative science seem to be that you can do anything you like, unmolested, providing you don't expect to get money or publicity or change the status quo.  

  • Do you mind giving me a first hand report either here, or in a PM, or ideally (if  you are up for it) via a zoom meeting some time?

    You'd be my fourth...

  • That production would have benefitted from some extensive pruning and far less micro snippets of pointless video.

    Thanks for sharing this.  I do love to learn, not only about the substantive subject matter, but also also how "people" choose to expand and present it.  I've seen FAR worse efforts on both counts....despite the length...I was engaged.

  • I’m unfortunately not involved in any reverse engineering program, but I heard about Moscovium 115 (Bob Lazar), however it’s not durable more than some milliseconds. Here I have a video about forbidden technologies, maybe you came across this.
    im not sure how reliable it is, but it may be related to non-human technology, I think. They are all theories, but I know deep down that we are not alone. I had quite several very vivid dreams with non-human intelligent beings. Some of them made me write stories. 

  • I've started watching and will resume later. Truth is often far stranger than fiction and not least within the field of understanding autism. The truth of the matter is indeed surrounded by a bodyguard if lies designed to protect the biggest industry in the world - the ill health industry. You are not supposed to know the truth, but if you want to find out then check out my Origins of Autism playlist on Youttube while it is still not taken down.

  • I seen a real ufo when I was camping in the moutains one time and I was shocked

  • I spent decades looking into this sort of stuff (generally categorised as Fortean interests) and went down a number of rabbit holes including scientific study of ghosts and UFOs.

    Decade after decade there is "evidence" that is circumstantial at best and all attempts at proving these subjects ends in failure - I accept that these remain a possibility but in terms of UFOs, what possible extraterrestials would want to make contact with a messed up, violent heavily divided and primitive species such as mankind?

    If they exist then they would be smart enough to know to give us a wide bearth.

    Until we do make contact, the search is pretty pointless and even knowing they may exist changes nothng.

    We are far better placing out efforts into sorting our own world, one fight at a time.

  • IF you know anything about their drive system, I'm all ears.

    (shamelessly bumping my own thread, too.)

  • Wow! I love Jesse’s Michel channel! Thank you! I’m UFO passionate!

  • I'll add watching that to my to do list, I'm a sucker for a decent UFO or Bigfoot documentary.

    decent being "scientific" and factual rather than a tonne of crazy folk making stuff up!