University accommodations


Realising I’m struggling a lot more than my peers with my university course- I managed to get as far as arranging a meeting with the disability advisors, but I’m worried that because I didn’t need support in my first two years it’s going to be harder to access support now. 

My other issue is that I have absolutely no idea what to ask for (accommodations-wise)! I’ve had access to extra time, but never really thought there were other options out there. This year my exams are in person (and handwritten) for the first time in 6 years. I’ve also noticed I really struggle with deadlines especially when there are multiple coming up (I think because of difficulty switching focus/changing activity) and staying on topic.
Has anyone ever had assessments done as a sort of ‘test of understanding’ interview instead of a written examination? Or could you offer suggestions for accommodations I could ask for? Thank you!

  • I had my exams in a seperate room from everyone else and used a computer that wasn't linked to the internet. I wa also given some extra time.

    When doing essays I found that researching one a day seemed easiest or the one I felt most inspired by. I think the trick is to know when to stop researching and start writing properly.

  • I had my exams in a seperate room from everyone else and used a computer that wasn't linked to the internet. I wa also given some extra time.

    When doing essays I found that researching one a day seemed easiest or the one I felt most inspired by. I think the trick is to know when to stop researching and start writing properly.

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