Rebel with to many causes

I've always been a bit of a rebel, I don't think it's just about being autistic, but it helps, I was brought up in quite a political family, not party political, but just interested, social injustice infuriates me. I've been involved with so many causes over the years, the womens movement, anti-nukes, animal rights, anti apartied. Now I find that every cause is on social media which I can't do, nor can I go out on the streets protesting like I used too.

I still have the urge to be involved there are so many things worth fighting for, the planet being the biggest one, is anyone else involved in activism?

  • I really wish I could do something, but my anxiety makes that impossible. And with protests and activism increasingly being met with violent policing and insane sentences, I think I'd always be too scared even though we desperately need people fighting for equality and the climate, more now than ever.

  • on the climate we need more real information and data though as we are being lied to.

    i urge you, find a polution satelite map that measures air quality and pollution.... youd realise something and im not gonna say what it is as youd disagree if i said it and then refuse to even check.

    a good site to check global air quality is my favourite weather site i use for weather and temperature.... called "ventusky"

    theres a button on there you can click to switch it to air quality.... you can scroll out and see the entire satelite image of every place in earth with a measured air quality if you clicked air quality... and again, its also the strongest best weather site too so has alot of options to flit through like temperature, percieved temperature, precipitation wind snow and all sorts... but check the air quality, and perhaps look at europe or america first and shout in disgust at its blue colour and 2/m2 rating... then scroll out and look world wide... and see what i mean... there is 2 main places that sticks out.... and its not areas we all hate on for climate and protest it at all... it really puts the entire thing into perspective. theres just like 2 problem areas in the world you can target and fix the climate issue for good and that site shows those 2 areas... one area you cant fix... because its the sahara desert, you simply cannot fix the damage to air quality and climate that a dust bowl desert does... but there is one other area that if you check daily youd be amazed anything even lives there at all with the huge dark black blot of death zone in air quality and polution... beyond anything we in the west can comprehend... its not us... and given its not us it is beyond our control.

  • Thank you for deciding that I'll disagree with you without giving me an oportunity to look for myself and evaluate the information for myself!

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