The ratings thing for OP posts

Hi. I'm maybe slow to pick up on something presumably new - since the forum upgrade - and must admit I find it a bit confusing. And, with respect for the good intentions, not a  great idea.

It's the ratings thingy (with 1-5 stars) for thread-starters' first posts. For those of us who've been here a while, we're not used to assigning a score - we either do a +1 response if we like something or are acknowledging that we appreciate the time taken to write it, or we don't, usually due to forgetfulness rather than hinting at comparative lack of worth or anything remotely like it! 

So, for one post - and perhaps the most crucial (bravest) post. the one that gets the ball rolling- to be singled out for anything from an implied 'loved it' to 'must do better' to 'this was sub-par' - without the later posts getting the same degree of collective judgement imposing a score feels... uncomfortable. I think there's probably accidental implied (but not actual) condemnation as well, as I saw a thread just now (the one that inspired me to raise the issue) where someone new had courageously made first contact via starting a thread but had been awarded an average 'one out of 5' - again, more by accident I suspect than as the result of any unimpressed reader(s)! But if anyone was feeling a little nervous and tentative as a first time poster.... you see my point here I think.

The best I could do to assist was click on the full five to average the score out to a 2.5, but the fact that such a rating system is there for OPs', er, OPs is regrettable. I wonder would it be possible to have it changed please, mods? No offence made, just a suggestion for a more friendly climate for new members especially...

  • (A new member outlook),  "OP"?  ...some brain-steam later: finally got it, "Original Poster" (person to have started a discussion thread).  Well, at least I got there in the end!  I must admit that I had not expected / anticipated the "ratings" / "rankings" likes aspects of this Community board.  I don't think I have quite yet absorbed the stars / increase or decrease number / notifications with various points which seem to be awarded to your accout for having participated in certain ways.  I daresay I will get the overview before too long!

  • I rather like it. I suppose it has to do with my never having done any other social media before this forum. I do rate items on amazon etc so here I use it the same way, as when I really like a post, like on amazon. I don't, though, punish (people, places or) things I don't connect with with low stars at all. Ones I don't connect with, I just leave it be.

  • I also don’t understand why they’ve made this change and the re-ordering of replies when they’re planning to implement a new platform soon.

  • I agree with you. I'm not sure what the benefit of it is supposed to be, but I just haven't used it because I don't really go into a thread and start wanting to rate the OP like I'm buying their thoughts on amazon.