I'm confused by this site's policy on latest posts, I can see from the list that someone has recently posted but when I look a new reply seems to be places quite randomly. Tp me it breaks any flow in conversations. Am I alone in feeling this?
I'm confused by this site's policy on latest posts, I can see from the list that someone has recently posted but when I look a new reply seems to be places quite randomly. Tp me it breaks any flow in conversations. Am I alone in feeling this?
Golly what a lot of faff, I don't feel confident doing any of the suggested things, I think that with my ability to mess up pooters it either wouldn't work at all or it would go horribly wrong. At least I'm not alone with it
If someone replies to the thread it goes at the top/bottom (depending on if you have newest or oldest at the top). If they reply to a specific post, it goes above/below that post. And yeah, if you have it sorted by newest it's basically impossible to keep track of which replies came in which order in a long thread with mini conversations in the middle.