What's on your bucket list?

A bucket list is a list of experiences or achievements someone wants to accomplish before they "kick the bucket" (die). It's filled with dreams and goals, like travelling to exotic places Earth africa, learning new skills Art, or skydiving .... Anything and everything.

What's on yours?

I don't have many. I used to have so many dreams and ambitions which I thought of all the time but the last few years a lot of stuff has gone down in my life and I'm feeling unmotivated and my ambitiousness has died a little.

Some of the things on my bucket list still are:

  • Finish writing my book on autism and get it published.
  • Go to Egypt and see the pyramids.
  • Get married by the sea at sunset.

That's all I can think of for now.

Would be interesting to see everyone else's BlushBlossom

  • I don't have a bucket list, but then I'm not goal orrientated, I tend to live by the Buddhist philosophy of live every momment as if it's your last, that if I were to die today my last thought would be that I've lived the life I wanted, that I've "done" enough. and not be attached to future plans that may not come to pass. I try and be a human "being" rather than a human"doing"

  • I don't have a bucket list, but then I'm not goal orrientated, I tend to live by the Buddhist philosophy of live every momment as if it's your last, that if I were to die today my last thought would be that I've lived the life I wanted, that I've "done" enough. and not be attached to future plans that may not come to pass. I try and be a human "being" rather than a human"doing"

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