I created a petition

I thought I'd share it - only 3 months till its deadline: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/642478

I know not everyone will agree, but I thought I'd share anyway.

  • There's no justice, like angry mob justice!

  • Ha. I did have to google that one.

    This quote from a Reddit post sums up my views on it:

    And not only is it hard to counter, but--being on the internet--it basically lives forever. Even when the person does make appropriate, sincere apologies and amends, the original sin and the condemnation about it lives on. And if the person isn't famous enough and the apology not high-profile enough, then the original controversy not only lives on but overwhlems it. In effect, the "mob justice" never ends. When you go for future job interviews or a potential partner google's you, the sin is front-and-center in a way that never would have been the case in the years before the internet (unless you were branded or forced to wear a scarlet letter in the past). It doesn't allow people to learn and grow from these mistakes, because the mistake is what defines them forever. And that often leads to their re-entrenching or going in directions the individuals in the mob never wanted them to.

  • My dad found out that I'd set this up. Naturally his response was "just bury it and move on".

    It's exhausting how no one in my personal life gets it. Genuinely no one.

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