Internet scare stories.

Does anyone else get annoyed by internet scare stories such as this?

  • I do hope that the U.K. online safety laws will target stories like these rather than truthful stories 

  • I don't get annoyed by such stories, because generally I don't get to see them, and if I do, I can normally discern that they are "click bait" (as I believe the term goes.)

  • Scare stories and headlines like that are annoying, but, even the most ridiculous news outlets when you read the full article they end up not being anywhere near what the headline implies. They just want clicks, clicks = money, once you're there they can start downplaying the story a bit more later on in the article or be a bit more truthful but until then they just need you to click and fear or anger gets clicks more than something that sounds exciting or positive.

  • They only hate State whenever it suits their agenda.

  • I wish it would happen I love the snow haven’t had snow where I’m from in over 10 years 

  • There is a particular newspaper that I don't read, but I frequently see 'clickbait' headlines for it on the internet giving the impression that 'Snowmageddon' has been forecast for the UK. When compared with weather forecasts from other sources (such as the Met Office), one quickly realises the 'clickbait' headlines are a gross exaggeration.

    When snow has been forecast, I tend to be of the view that I'll believe it when I see it. As a 49-year-old, there has only been one occasion in my life when I considered snow to be a cause for concern (in addition to finding it terribly exciting). It was back in 1981/82 when I was living in South Wales, and Wales had been cut off from the rest of the UK. As a result of drifting, the snow in my street was so deep that it completely covered the cars that were parked there.

  • It seems that even “alternative” media outlets are doing the same as MSM outlets in order to hide the truth and this has been highlighted by those in the truth and patriot movement, including by Gemma O’ Doherty back home in Ireland