Why do I always seem to do this? D'oh

Before I continue, the title of this discussion was a rhetorical question.

There used to be a time when I would load my washing machine, turn it on, select the required programme, and then leave it to do its thing until it had finished.

As I don't always see eye-to-eye with Mother Nature, I am choosing to point the finger of blame in her direction for the following, which I have decided is a result of the post-menopausal forgetfulness that she (Mother Nature) decided was something I needed, in addition to a whole catalogue of other post-menopausal 'gifts'. 

It seems to have become a habit of mine that when there is dirty laundry I want washing and dried as soon as possible, I will remember to load the washing machine, and remember to add the laundry detergent, but then forget to turn the washing machine on, select the programme, etc. This is often because I've become distracted, or am too tired for my brain to be capable of functioning as well as I would like.

My washing machine has an annoying alarm that sounds when the wash cycle has finished. If I don't turn off the washing machine, the alarm will continue to go off intermittently. As a result, even if I am not in a position to remove the laundry from the washing machine, I will turn the washing machine off.

At some point yesterday, I had done my usual trick of loading the washing machine and forgetting to turn it on. Several hours later I had then gone to retrieve the laundry, only to be greeted by a rather unpleasant whiff. I felt sure I had turned the washing machine on a few hours previously, AND that I had heard the sound of it progressing through the various cycles, but obviously I hadn't.

It is now after 1 am, and I am willing the next 50 minutes to speed up, so that I can then transfer the laundry that is currently being washed to my tumble dryer, and get it dried a.s.a.p,

Do any of you have similar tales regarding forgetfulness, which you would like to share?

  • I literally forget everything:

    I forgot where I’ve put things that I currently have in my hand.

    I forgot to vacuum when I have placed it in front of the TV that I am watching (it becomes part of the acceptable environment),

    I forget things that are burning on the stove when I can smell it.

    I forget my own name.

    I forget that I was waiting for the green-man at the traffic lights.

    I forget to pay shopkeepers that i am currently conversing with.

    I forget that I haven’t got my glasses on even though I cant see without them.

    I even forget, forgive me in advance, to wizz while im standing at the WC..Sweat smile

    I forget that im stroking my dog, so he promptly reminds me, as he does when I forget that im supposed to give him half of my toast.

    I forget to take out the rubbish, even though I obstruct the front door with it.

    I cannot tell you how many coffees i have forgotten to drink..

    (i never forget my bus or train stop, even if I fall/nearly-fall asleep..)

  • I forget everything too!

    I forget that I'm wearing my glasses and look for them. I forget that I can't see without them...

    I forget where my keys are - usually in the door...

    I forget where my phone is. Generally speaking, I have no idea... 

    I forget what day it is - all the time..

    I don't forget to drink coffee... 

  • I forget everything too!

    I forget that I'm wearing my glasses and look for them. I forget that I can't see without them...

    I forget where my keys are - usually in the door...

    I forget where my phone is. Generally speaking, I have no idea... 

    I forget what day it is - all the time..

    I don't forget to drink coffee... 

  • I don't forget to drink coffee... 

    Except today. Eventually I put it in the microwave to heat up. Unfortunately, I instantly forgot about that and ten minutes later started looking for my mug so that I could make coffee...

    At lunchtime I decided to heat soup and opened the microwave - I was very suprised to find my mug in there, full of cold coffee... Grimacing

    I'm not having the best day...