Technology how has it help you?

I have an iPhone 14 pro max, Apple Watch SE, and an iPad. All three are useful tools for instance setting reminders to take my meds, doctor appointments, zoom meetings, etc.  how has technology help you?

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  • For this and for many other reasons, even though my own generation have embraced tech “advances” in the past, I am totally opposed to AI - I’ve also observed (over many decades) how we have become/rendered totally reliant on tech and in many respects, on balance, I consider this to be a bad thing, despite it being labelled as “progress” and similar - for a long time, I never really understood why our grandparents generation were totally against the TV in the 1960’s and against mobile phones and internet before thier passing in the 1980’s in my teens, but as time passed, we gradually saw why this was, as we started to experience real life for ourselves - I sometimes think that we could well do with “rolling back” some of the tech advances that we have had in recent years - things like transhumanism, artificial wombs, chips in people’s brains and many other tech advances like AI absolutely terrify me, as even though they are supposed to be used for good and are merely a tool, the potential risk and temptation by some to use these for bad (and by bad actors) is too great, as we have all seen when this tech falls into the wrong hands - during Covid, we have all had a masterclass as to the direction in how this could possibly go - I often wondered why the internet and mobile phones were freely given to people only on the basis of cost and without any sort of licence system, which is perhaps why our grandparents were totally opposed to us teens in the 1980’s learning anything about mobile phones, internet and computer science and they went to great lengths to try to stop computer science labs being set up in secondary schools, even though these computers were not connected to the old dialup internet at the time and they had the local police to confiscate mobile phones off us kids when we were growing up