New Years Eve

What are you doing tonight? Do you stay up until midnight?

I used to stay up until the early hours after midnight but haven't for a few years. I'll probably watch some films and go to bed, probably about 10 maybe a little after.

Downside to tonight is that people do fireworks and they last all night. I'm not sure about everyone else but fireworks are way too noisy for my liking, there should be a law against it after 9pm lol.

I'm looking forward to 2023 - I'm hoping it will be a good year and some positive things will happen, hopefully for all of us :) 

  • UB40 took their name from the unemployment form they had to fill out to get the dole when they were out of work trying to start up the band 

  • I dont think your annoying at all. When I was a newbie I posted all the time , it was just from the relief and excitement of finally finding somewhere I belonged with people like me. Your not bothering people, your really nice to talk to on here and you come up with some interesting ideas 

  • I love who wants to be a millionaire. I used to have all the quiz books as a kid and play them with my gran.

    Ive tried to be on there 3 times

  • Ending up watching millionaire on challenge TV.

  • I will be staying put tonight and imagine I will most likely spend my time watching TV, or else tinkering about on my computer.

    One thing I realised years ago is that taking myself off to bed before midnight is futile. If I do manage to fall asleep, I can guarantee I'll be woken up by the sound of fireworks. Having said that, they may be more tolerable this year as a result of the cost of living crisis and people cutting back.

    Anyway, Happy New Year to you Luna, and to everyone else.

  • I’m still recovering from the flu, but even if I wasn’t, I’d still be up in my bedroom before 10pm, playing  or drawing on my iPad in comfort. I just went to the kitchen, and can see lights up in the neighbours back garden. Lovely. Their NYE parties are long winded and noisy. I have earplugs at the ready when I want to sleep….

  • The wife and I are staying in tonight and cooking something nice, 

    Jools Holland's Annual Hootenanny on the tv, The Real Thing will be performing,( sorry music trivia is one of my hobbies), they took their name from the side of a Coca-Cola bottle. We had family visit over Christmas so it will be nice to not mask and just be me. It’s wet and windy outside so we are quite happy to just enjoy each other’s company. I may even crank up the gramophone and cut a groove in the rug!
  • I don't think you're annoying. I know what you mean though, I can feel that way sometimes.

  • This year is the weirdest new year because late Thursday eve we had to take my Dad to hospital with an emergency kidney stone infection and he is still there so we will be taking him some of his stuff soon. He certainly did not expect to see the new year in on a ward. 

    Pre-covid we would have been going to a friend's party, not too many people, good food and a few tolerable party games, but we'd always be pressured to stay too late, so would feel rough on the first day of the year. But we are trying to avoid covid so not able to go to that anyway for the 3rd year now. 

    I have an online knitting event I usually do which has a sort of new year party on a forum, which has been fun, but for the first time in years I stopped not even halfway through that event which I usually enjoy (it runs several weeks) so don't know if I will feel like doing that, with Dad and everything.

    What I most like doing for new year is my year end review and goal setting for the coming year. I have not done this yet because I am all put about with my Dad. I no longer feel it is imperative this has to be done on the last and first days of the year though, so will probably just do this on another day soon.

    Don't think I'll deliberately stay up. I am already tired so more likely to be an early night when we get home from hospital.

    It always felt an odd one to me as a kid. We would be dragged to the NYE parties my parents went to, which were usually with people who had kids our age. But I would often try to find a quiet spot and ponder the changing of the year and what it all meant. How was I supposed to feel? Assuming I was supposed to feel some particular way, why was this?

  • I think  NYE is the worse day of the year,  it comes just ahead of Chrisrmas Day. I'm frad tired all the time and can't make myself do anything. I've been asleep on the couch and just woken up 'cos i needed to go for a wee. Will laydown again now, trying to decide whether to have something to eat or just go to bed, i don't feel hungary

    NYE only makes me realise how lonely life can be.

    Hope everybody else enjoys rhemselves. x.

  • I'm never really sure when to start or stop conversations, so I'll leave you in peace after this reply:

    I am very sorry that you have those fears; you deserve a very happy life.

    And I'm also sorry if I'm an annoying presence on the forum, what with starting so many threads & replying to everything in sight. It's just that finding such a helpful and friendly place has been incredible for me. And, being oblivious of the subject of autism for so many years, I always have loads of questions to ask (as well as half-baked ideas and ignorant opinions to inflict on everyone). So I am really sorry for getting carried away, and for bothering people as if I was not a newbie but someone who'd already proved their worth.

  • I'm not sure where fears come from. Some are from personal experience, after vomiting lots a few years ago I got Emetophobia but my fear of the dark and many others came from nowhere.

    Maybe they could from reading or films?

    aww thanks! Hope you have the best year ever!!! ^^

  • I used to think that I'd read too many ghost stories ('It was a dark and stormy night' etc etc) but, no, these things are probably related to childhood fears. Which is odd, because I had a very happy childhood...

    Anyway, I hope you have the very happiest of years. Slight smile

  • Bless you. Ditto with wind, I don't like the dark either absolutely terrified. 

    When it gets windy and too loud I put my music on loud and drown it out :) 

    Have a beautiful day!

  • The truth is, I'm more nervous about fireworks and windy weather than any pets! :D Oh well. Have a lovely day, Luna. Slight smile

  • Hey, :) *waves back*

    Awh. I hope they'll be ok x

    I had a dog called Biscuit and always got worried about fireworks. And thunder, really distressing for some animals.

  • Haven't seen that in ages! Such a good show though :) 

  • May ending up watching midsummer murder. 

  • Hello *waves* Slight smile

    I'll probably spend much of my evening worrying that pets might be frightened by fireworks, the poor things.

    What a thrilling life I lead! :D

  • I hope you and your mum have a lovely time tonight ^^