What do you like most about your home?

I was just talking to this lovely nurse and was explaining that going outside makes me anxious because of the people and unfamiliar surroundings and she asked me what I like most about my home and what makes it safe for me. And I thought that would be interesting to ask here as well, if you're comfortable to say of course :) 

I like a lot of things about my home. All my favourite possessions are there. It's peaceful and I know I'm always comfortable and happy there. And probably the best thing is it's in the countryside.

Not a lot I know but they are big things for me.

  • It’s a really interesting question isn’t it? It’s a nice thing to think about - so thanks for posting it on here Slight smile

    My home is in the countryside too - in a village. The windows at the back of my house look out on to fields and trees and I feel really lucky to have that. Home should be a place of safety and comfort - and much of the time it feels that way to me. However when my anxiety is really bad I sometimes feel the need to get out as my home can feel like a place where I’m stuck in a ‘groove’ of thinking that I cannot break free of - so getting out is also important to me when I feel like that. And then by the time I come home again I’m very tired and glad to get home and rest - so it can get that restless feeling out of my system. 

    Like you I have lots of favourite things in my home that make me happy - things I’ve collected over the years from antique fairs etc - I enjoy having them around me. My husband and son live with me and they’re the best thing about my home - without them I would not feel so safe and cosy in my home. I love my radio as it keeps me company if I wake up in the night - I learn a lot and discover new things from listening to the radio. I love having access to music too through Apple Music and I connect it to my stereo so that the sound is really rich and beautiful. I have paintings on my wall that I’ve done too - I enjoy having them around me as it reminds me that I can be productive and make something that’s worthwhile (it’s very important to be reminded of this when I’m feeling low). I also love my bed of course! And on my bedside table I have a selection of books that I can turn to for all sorts of interesting and soothing things. I have some Buddha statues that are there to remind me what’s important in life, and what’s not really important too. I love my hot water bottle too - it’s very comforting to have that. 

    I also have a garden and love watching the birds in the garden. I realise how fortunate I am to have a garden and even like pegging out the washing on the line because it’s very peaceful as beyond the garden there is only a farm so it’s really quiet most of the time. 

  • I am on the edge of town so countryside nearby. I too love watching birds in the garden. That is one way of making me relax. I also find pegging out washing enjoyable as I breathe in the fresh air and watch birds going to and fro.

    Apart from that I like everything being familiar, from the bed, sofa, to my own kitchen and bathroom and having everything I need. Familiar smells are important too.

  • It’s so lovely to have that familiarity and control over your surroundings isn’t it? I find lighting very important too - I hate bright, cold lighting - I like to have warm, soft lighting - and candlelight. I’ve always wanted a real fire or wood burner - so that’s my dream to have that. One day hopefully! 

  • It’s so lovely to have that familiarity and control over your surroundings isn’t it? I find lighting very important too - I hate bright, cold lighting - I like to have warm, soft lighting - and candlelight. I’ve always wanted a real fire or wood burner - so that’s my dream to have that. One day hopefully! 
