the NAS has no sting in its tail

I am an Autism Bee, I don't sting unless someone is destroying the flowers.

I would like a honest opinion of the NAS,, do they function correctly as a Autistic Organisation ?

I don't think so, they have no sting in the tail. When people with autism have major issues in there life, due to the system,, ie, education, courts, councils, health and all the other external proxies putting pressure on autistic children and adults,, the NAS is ineffectual and does not meet the needs of the autistic community.

Give you an example in my life.., the local authority in my area has no specialist adult autism assistance, no autism co-ordinator, non autism local strategy plan, my primary care is not under the autistic nice guidelines, the support workers are non-autistically trained, my GP knows nothing about Autism...

The NAS is a real letdown for the adult autistic community.

Any thoughts,, or is this just my own experience ?

PS ALEX ~ sorry I talk about these things, maybe goes against the brand & PR NAS.

  • My understanding of NAS is that it depends on funds....its a charity. I feel awkward when I email to ask a question because I've potentially used a chunk of any donation I make on my own issues. So I'm glad of this forum.

    To have a sting in the tail NAS would need more funds. The current finding comes I guess from parents in parents' groups and professionals. The sublime irony is that because so many adults on the spectrum cannot get steady remunerative employment, they cannot fund the role of NAS to support adult issues. That's still coming from parents with autistic children in the main.

    I understand where autismtwo is coming from because I rail against the world constantly. I'm a fervent letter/email writer on a lot of things. And it gets me into a lot of trouble. I do get carried away with my language, particularly if I have underlying rage. Seems to be part and parcel of what having this condition is all about. I live asmidst numerous ongoing storms.

    Trouble is NAS cannot do much about it. Its remit I guess is to facilitate, which it does admirably via this forum. But it isn't down to NAS to resolve issues like primary care and local authorities.

    The NHS at the moment is currently being strangled by central government's bizarre schemes and machinations, as is much of education. Local authorities have become a complete joke. Democracy no longer has anything to do with it, as local government civil servants have acquired even more autonomy than Whitehall. Dr Who never came up against monsters as profoundly bad as the real civil service.

    Everyone, not just people on the autistic spectrum, are suffering from the loonacy of our local and national government civil services, the directors of the NHS, of universities and schools....the list is endless. We are going through a break down in society due to impossible levels of beaurocracy.

    Much as I would like them to try, NAS cannot take these demons away.

    I don't deny you really feel the way you do, autismtwo, but its no good blaming NAS. I think a period of contemplative reflection is called for, maybe stay off posting for a couple of weeks, until you've calmed down a bit, because this rage with NAS isn't getting you anywhere.

  • My understanding of NAS is that it depends on funds....its a charity. I feel awkward when I email to ask a question because I've potentially used a chunk of any donation I make on my own issues. So I'm glad of this forum.

    To have a sting in the tail NAS would need more funds. The current finding comes I guess from parents in parents' groups and professionals. The sublime irony is that because so many adults on the spectrum cannot get steady remunerative employment, they cannot fund the role of NAS to support adult issues. That's still coming from parents with autistic children in the main.

    I understand where autismtwo is coming from because I rail against the world constantly. I'm a fervent letter/email writer on a lot of things. And it gets me into a lot of trouble. I do get carried away with my language, particularly if I have underlying rage. Seems to be part and parcel of what having this condition is all about. I live asmidst numerous ongoing storms.

    Trouble is NAS cannot do much about it. Its remit I guess is to facilitate, which it does admirably via this forum. But it isn't down to NAS to resolve issues like primary care and local authorities.

    The NHS at the moment is currently being strangled by central government's bizarre schemes and machinations, as is much of education. Local authorities have become a complete joke. Democracy no longer has anything to do with it, as local government civil servants have acquired even more autonomy than Whitehall. Dr Who never came up against monsters as profoundly bad as the real civil service.

    Everyone, not just people on the autistic spectrum, are suffering from the loonacy of our local and national government civil services, the directors of the NHS, of universities and schools....the list is endless. We are going through a break down in society due to impossible levels of beaurocracy.

    Much as I would like them to try, NAS cannot take these demons away.

    I don't deny you really feel the way you do, autismtwo, but its no good blaming NAS. I think a period of contemplative reflection is called for, maybe stay off posting for a couple of weeks, until you've calmed down a bit, because this rage with NAS isn't getting you anywhere.

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