Training Courses


I'm interested in attending training courses to learn more about autism to better equip me to care for my child both now and as he progresses into adulthood.

I was looking at the 6 module online training provided by the National Autistic Society for £150 +vat. Has anyone else done this course? And if so, I would love your feedback.

Also, if anyone can recommend other training, that would be appreciated.

Many Thanks


  • I'm considering the Sheffield Halam post-grad which has been developed with the NAS.  I didn't know about the one you mention.  I assume it's on this site somewhere...I'll have a poke around.

    I know the OU do a free online module which looks like a good starter for 10.

  • I have tried the OU module, I didn’t think it was that good. It reinforced stereotypes and was quite outdated. I think training courses are better and more accurate if they value autistic people and ideally are written by us. Peoples’understanding of being autistic is much different when they hear it directly from us.

  • I have tried the OU module, I didn’t think it was that good. It reinforced stereotypes and was quite outdated. I think training courses are better and more accurate if they value autistic people and ideally are written by us. Peoples’understanding of being autistic is much different when they hear it directly from us.

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