New job and want to quit

My new job is going very badly.  I really feeling like quitting after two and a half weeks.  I'm making silly mistakes and I'm having difficulty remembering to follow all their procedures.  I'm definitely in the wrong type of work.  It's an office based job involving routine, repetitive work, the other trainees are doing better than me.

I can't quit because if I did I would be intentionally unemployed and the job centre would refuse to pay me and I would end up penniless, homeless and destitute.  But this job is driving me nuts.

  • I can empathize with struggling with new procedures. I have been in situations where others are quicker. If you are like me I take a while to process things but get there eventually. I am fortunate that my employer has got used to this now. When I have anything new I ask them to go through things slowly and I write it down in great detail so I can follow it each time until I remember.

    I also tend to be critical of my mistakes and forget the positives. I can feel frustrated with my mistakes.

    If you are able to, I find a walk after a busy day helps me unwind so I can start the next day in a better place.

    Hope you might be able to work this out with your employer.

  • I can empathize with struggling with new procedures. I have been in situations where others are quicker. If you are like me I take a while to process things but get there eventually. I am fortunate that my employer has got used to this now. When I have anything new I ask them to go through things slowly and I write it down in great detail so I can follow it each time until I remember.

    I also tend to be critical of my mistakes and forget the positives. I can feel frustrated with my mistakes.

    If you are able to, I find a walk after a busy day helps me unwind so I can start the next day in a better place.

    Hope you might be able to work this out with your employer.

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