Receiving presents

Nothing quite beats another package coming through the post. Money Mouth

  • Some of my old ladies are vulnerable in the way that perhaps they’re a bit lonely with no one to talk to but we get on cos I’m willing to talk to anyone and ain’t stuck up.  I’m unkind in lots of ways but in different ways I’m actually an angel and always willing to play.  The majority of them ain’t gullible suckers like outsiders might suspect, lots are professional intelligent people which makes it all the more entertaining to try and squeeze presents out of them.  It’s no challenge if I was proper preying on the weak, it’s way heaps more much fun to prey on those who fight me off yet eventually cave in from time-to-time.  & I’ve given out my home address to heaps of strangers but so far I’ve never met anyone stranger than me.  & frankly I don’t need to worry about oddballs online, there’s plenty of local oddballs who know where I live who I need to watch my back around. 

  • Some of my old ladies are vulnerable in the way that perhaps they’re a bit lonely with no one to talk to but we get on cos I’m willing to talk to anyone and ain’t stuck up.  I’m unkind in lots of ways but in different ways I’m actually an angel and always willing to play.  The majority of them ain’t gullible suckers like outsiders might suspect, lots are professional intelligent people which makes it all the more entertaining to try and squeeze presents out of them.  It’s no challenge if I was proper preying on the weak, it’s way heaps more much fun to prey on those who fight me off yet eventually cave in from time-to-time.  & I’ve given out my home address to heaps of strangers but so far I’ve never met anyone stranger than me.  & frankly I don’t need to worry about oddballs online, there’s plenty of local oddballs who know where I live who I need to watch my back around. 

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