Receiving presents

Nothing quite beats another package coming through the post. Money Mouth

  • OK Zosie, I think I am getting a clearer picture. Thanks for explaining it all.


  • Some of my old ladies are vulnerable in the way that perhaps they’re a bit lonely with no one to talk to but we get on cos I’m willing to talk to anyone and ain’t stuck up.  I’m unkind in lots of ways but in different ways I’m actually an angel and always willing to play.  The majority of them ain’t gullible suckers like outsiders might suspect, lots are professional intelligent people which makes it all the more entertaining to try and squeeze presents out of them.  It’s no challenge if I was proper preying on the weak, it’s way heaps more much fun to prey on those who fight me off yet eventually cave in from time-to-time.  & I’ve given out my home address to heaps of strangers but so far I’ve never met anyone stranger than me.  & frankly I don’t need to worry about oddballs online, there’s plenty of local oddballs who know where I live who I need to watch my back around. 

  • it sounds like you and the 'old ladies' can get alot out of this. I too find it easier speaking with people online.

    Don't you ever worry that you some of the people on line are not who they say they are and therefore you make yourself vulnerable? Do you think that any of the people you meet feel 'pressured' and may be vulnerable themselves?

  • Oh no way!!!  I never give owt.  Everyone knows I never do “giving”, I only take.  I’ve found my old ladies (they’re mainly ladies) just through years of playing around online, being in various online communities.  Like if I weren’t to get banned from here and if there was a PM system I’d no doubt collect a few oldies in my time spent here.  Once I meet them I add them on social networking sites.  Oh and I’ve met a few through social networking sites too.  Once drawn in I’ll love them forever.  I collect old people a bit like I collect presents.  Old people are my friends and you can never have too many old people or presents.  The more, the better.  I get letters through the post and phone calls and I’m up for meeting them.  Although the initial reaction of outsiders is horror to my antics my old people see my special qualities and I’m often described as delightful.  Online and in person when we meet, they think I’m a sweetie.  I am.  I’m delightful.   I’ve met some excellent people online and got real pally with lots of them.  I was reading in that Tony Atwood book the other day that internet relationships are a lot easier for people with Aspergers to form, this much is true.  & it don’t matter how many people I hack off along the way cos wherever I go I always find the special people, ones who are chilled and nice with a sense of humour.  If I’ve hacked off 99 people and found 1 nice old person then I’m happy.  I’ll add that one nice person to my collection of old people.  & also I’ve found that not only do I give my old people a relationship with me, they’re also instantly surrounded by like-minded people and my old people make friends with each other.  I’m sure a lot of my old ladies will keep in touch for the rest of their lives.  BTW, I got some real neat Easter gifts!!!!!  I’m so lucky!

  • Zosie, can you provide some more context to your present receiving activites? I still don't understand where you find the 'old people'. Someone with few scruples could really exploit the situation.... I am really not suggesting that you are though. I suppose the 'old people' could exploit the situation too.

    By the way, do you ever give presents?

  • I would not be so happy about bullying people. This is wrong, you must be joking?

  • Are you being serious, Zosie?

    Or is this some kind of joke?

    Because what you're describing sounds at the very least immoral, and quite possibly illegal.

  • I approach old people, let them know I'm beautiful, ask for a present, if they say no I then bully, beg, plead and blackmail. Its a great way to make lifelong friends. Laughing 

  • Zosie said:

    I don't buy myself presents, I get old people from the internet all over the world to send me stuff. Laughing does that work?

  • I don't buy myself presents, I get old people from the internet all over the world to send me stuff. Laughing  So far I've had 350 presents and three halves, 80 cards and 41 postcards. Laughing Laughing Laughing  I dead set love my old people. Laughing  I love them and they love me. Smile

    & I too worry about the post, I've had things come late, Frown I've had things come broken (hence the three halves - they should have been three wholes), Yell and some things just haven't turned up at all!!! Surprised Yell  But its rare for something to not make it to me.

    Easter soon.  Lookin' forward to being spoiled again. Laughing  Yummy yummy, I want chocolate in my little fat tummy. Money Mouth

  • I am similar to you on this, Jon.  Also if it is delevered, while I am waiting I get very worried about it getting damaged and I am very relieved if it arrives OK, or distressed if it doesn't.

  • Is that a package that you have ordered yourself? Ordering myself something is often exciting. Normaly its been preceded by much research. Sometimes though I find it hard to get used to something new. Either a CD, clothing or something that I have never had before. If the package is a suprise from someone then it can take quite a bit of getting used to. I can get quite anxious and start thinking how it will 'fit into my life', 'do I want it?' and 'what do I say to the sender?'.

  • Hmm, true that depends on what it is Foot in Mouth