New Forum section request - NAS

I just thought that it might make sense to have a new section on the forum specifically for comments relating to NAS.

People would be able to make suggestions and raise issues relating to NAS.

NAS would be able to monitor, answer questions and be involved in discussion relating to the organisation.

This approach would help build trust between the organisation and the public. From what I read on this forum I think this is very much needed.

I can't see any reason not to have such a section on the forum. Unless NAS is not prepared to publicaly involve itself in discussions that may question its practises and  accountability.

  • Well we will see, currently until proven otherwise it looks to me as carefully stage managed forum, to a hope we would burn out or make posts that could be banned as unreasonable.

    Instead there is a common theme of similar experiences and wishes- don't hold your breath at change.

    Oh and the "I'm leaving, No I'm leaving" thread that every forum has when anything that rocks the status quo appears.

    I will NOT be leaving and if Banned will return.

    Exciting times.

  • Well we will see, currently until proven otherwise it looks to me as carefully stage managed forum, to a hope we would burn out or make posts that could be banned as unreasonable.

    Instead there is a common theme of similar experiences and wishes- don't hold your breath at change.

    Oh and the "I'm leaving, No I'm leaving" thread that every forum has when anything that rocks the status quo appears.

    I will NOT be leaving and if Banned will return.

    Exciting times.

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