Social Media is Simultaneously One Of The Most Incredible and Terrible Inventions of the 21st Century

That’s my opinion I find the concept of social media hard to tackle in my brain because of my view on but curious to see what you think.

  • It's a Society which has abandoned Christ and made itself God.

  • 100% agree with you, you just get locked into a spiral of few people who are generally very under informed that are just angry with the world 

  • I'm good thanks hope you are too, I think the best thing social media is used for is sharing things between family in a quick way if you want them to know, eg if you went on holiday and you just wanted to show them a picture of something nice but apart from that people take it way to far like you say for voyeurism and narcissism, I have an instagram with a few photos of some of the holiday's I've been on but it's more because I think it jut looks nice and I don't have any pictures of self 

  • I've never watched an episode of Eastenders since the 1990's.

  • Hi, O. (How are you?) For me, Social Media is the coagulation of a two streams of human dysfunction: narcissism and voyeurism. No matter how we dress it up, posting pictures of yourself or updates about your life to hundreds of people to read and see is narcissistic behaviour. And on the other side of the coin, taking pleasure (or pain) in observing the private lives of others, sometimes sordid, or scandalous is voyeurism.  Technology has served as an amplifier, allowing Big tech to engage in personal data monetisation and the sale of advertising space, while at the same time providing private companies with a new market of psychologically primed consumers.

  • I believe social media is good when used properly for its original purpose, but unfortunately so many people abuse it. 

    The internet is useful, but also requires caution because there's just as much false or outdated data as there is true data. It's important to find out if the producer is actually qualified.

  • yeah with the banning of people based on views it becomes a massive echo chamber and it becomes dangerous to society because it promotes one view and creates such a echo chamber that a minority can suddenly be seen as the opinion of the entire nation and take over it when they are nowhere near a majority on opinion and no one wants what they want. social media perhaps needs to be more tightly regulated to stop this misrepresentation of people.

    plus all the riots seem to be made bigger and promoted by social media.... we see social media is causing disruption on the streets and a break down of society and civilization.... it perhaps needs to be banned for the continuation of modern day civilization, i can see us collapsing into barbarism if it continues.

  • I think I am ready to admit I feel exactly the same.

    (After having a career requiring some denial of this!)

  • I have never understood social media. Never used it. I don't understand why anyone would want to know what I'm doing or thinking and I certainly don't care what anyone else is doing - not anyone I know and certainly not strangers or celebrities. I have never used Facebook or Twitter or Instagram or any of them. It's basically international gossip?

    I hate how the news is now dominated by a Twitter echo chamber. So much of the "news" these days seems to be what person X said about topic Y on Twitter, and it allows a minority of the most insane people to determine the political agenda.

  • It's the Eastenders of the Internet.

    Everybody despises it, but still looks at it.

  • It took me a long time (and basically peer pressure) to create an account on Facebook.

    Now, I feel that it's a good outlet for me to show off a carefully edited 'front'. (Not to say that it's a lie, just a presentation where I have the luxury of thinking carefully of what I want to show to the outside world - something that in 'live interactions' I often beat myself up for not being able to communicate the exact nuances that I really want to.)

    I am quite blunt / brutal about not accepting friends who I haven't met, and blocking anything that gets on my nerves.

    And in the absence of local friends and many meaningful in-person relationships, I think I would have awful problems without it.

  • Yeah internet is amazing especially how far it's come since it started 

  • Internet = great.

    Social media = Terrible.