PIP and ESA medicals

What are your experiences of PIP and ESA medicals(and the tribunals)?

  • I had ZERO points in 2018, but received a basic award after a mandatory reconsideration.

    My greatest mistake was not turning up for the assessment in a Right 808.

  • They put everyone in a state(like the 808 term!). I hate these tribunals. All the rules-like if u are gonna turn up u must let them know,then some knob from DWP just twists what u say. I didnt turn up to PIP one(as worried i'd shout at DWP medical idiot),i didnt go and got fair amount of points.

    2nd ESA medical resulted in me going to A&E,then arresting me for saying i wanted to kill myself(by dragging me out of bed at midnight and making up false charges to hold me in a cell for 36 hrs!). MH just discharged me accepting no responsibility and said just arrest him,we dont section in this city(aholes!).

    ESA tribunal DWP didnt turn up and i was in tears all way thru,judge was disgusted at them making me go thru it! When awarded i was still ringing DWP saying what judge said and swearing at them(as had no other money then for 8 months!). DWP always get my rage,as they so insensitive!

  • i fecking hate the DWP. was on universal credit myself and they ended up calling me in and treated me like criminal and claiming i had some money in the bank of ireland lol which then later turned out to be some old inheritance my gran left for me ages ago. conducted it all as if they watched too many dodgy cop films, sent me in a room with a tape recorder and started threatening me. they claim i was hiding money from them and accusing me of all sorts and blunt out threatening me with jail sentence for no reason. all the while putting in the fact that i should never claim benefits at all and try to scare me off the system entirely and tell me i shouldnt ever claim benefits ever. sketchy as *** they are. they are blunt out criminals. nasty people. they pushed me so hard that when they went out of room i tried to bite my wrists open with how much they pushed me.

  • Think Scotland should try and get in EU by themselves! Lol

  • They're blinded by their resentment towards the English.

  • Agreed,and i 25% Scot! Lol

  • It's the Welfare-Warfare State.

  • i think at first the EU would want to greatly fund and boost anyone who leaves the british union, in order to make it look like they was held back by britain and make it look beneficial to be out of britain. because thats the type of dirty trick the EU does.... but yeah, after a while and after the deed is done and britain is no more the EU would no longer care and thus theyd cut any and all funding they gave to ireland wales or scotland and instead smack them all with a massive bill to pay for it lol

  • The Union is dying a horid death. However, here in Northern Ireland, we would become Third-World if there'll be a United Ireland.

    Brussels had too many Aces up their sleeves in the Negotiations. And they're simply a subdivision of the US Democrats.

  • About fraudsters helping them fill out forms-have seen it in substance abuse charity(calling themselves MH charity FFS),not sure where else. If i let Headway help with PIP,think i'd be seen that i can go back to work full time!

  • Wow didnt think about tribunals being put into next financial year,just thought they want to stop u bothering,knowing stress it takes.

    Think NHS is most corrupt(by CCG's mostly!),tho DWP are pretty close. Last time i said they making me suicidal all they said was they would call the Police if i did! I just said they wouldnt get there in time-funny how much they can make things alot worse!

  • aye, and so it becomes that everyone can have a say on what happens in england, but yet the english cant have any say of what happens in scotland or wales or ireland.... and then they have the cheek to say that the english are the dictators in control. when we have less say on anything. honestly it will probably be for the better if britain split up just so the english can have their own fair representation for once in our lives and stop having other countries decide on our infrastructure and stuff when it has nowt to do with them.

  • I always find it funny how England doesnt have a parliament,yet everyone else in UK does. Cos in UK parliament others who know zilch about England always have say in things(mostly causing delay!)!

  • Bloody hell not the north south/working classes thing!  Are all south non working class? Even the South and South West are alot different than London,and i voted for Brexit,but Tory Brexit hasn't changed anything for England that's any better,cos like with getting meds for healthcare,Tory can't negotiate jack! Things to do with transmission of Covid has proved Tories couldnt run anything,but with other parties we'd still be controlled by Germany and all the bullshit that goes with it!

  • Wow - You're still dragging Brexit into discussions about PIP.

    The DWP is under constant pressure from above to cut costs (you would not believe the level of fraud they have to deal with) and pressure from below from al the applications for free money - which attracts fraudsters from all around the world.

    Fraudsters are very good at their scam - they know the tricks and have teams of well-meaning professionals filling in their forms.

    The average autistic person is very bad at the social game so will be easy meat to manipulate in an interview - and probably won't get any support to help them.

    The interviewers are so used to dealing with fraudsters that they treat everyone with the same suspicion - and we're bad at the game and will probably underplay our problems because we're people pleasers.

    When dealing with the DWP, you have to understand they are overworked - they cannot meet their own legal deadlines so the will lie to you - deny phone-calls, post letters out days before *your* deadline - they are the most corrupt organisation I've ever dealt with.

    They will deliberately lose documents or deny receiving them.   They will even cut-n-paste other people's documents and put them in your file - I did a data request and I was referred to as 'she' in big chunks of incorrect data.

    It is very common for them to deny anyone with hidden disabilities - almost as a test of your resolve - they do not care about your emotional costs.

    They will usually deny a mandatory reconsideration to push you into the tribunal route - which kicks the problem 18 months down the line - and into next year's budget.

    The tribunals tend to be a long wait - but over very quickly - they will have already read all the evidence so will pretty much know the outcome before you arrive.    It's all very professional.

    Know your enemy - the DWP are NOT your friend.

  • not sure, if anything london would be the only place effected by brexit, as the only possible thing the EU gave the UK was the services industry and that was fully based out of london and only benefited london alone.... so if anything the only effect on the UK of leaving the EU is london being screwed lol and no one cares about london aside from londoners.... so were all happy to screw london.... i cant understand why scotland voted the same way as london but yet claims to hate london centric rule though, they are rather contradictory given they vote exactly like westminster does.

  • But they all the same. Except don't think millions would be spent like when Tories keep changing assessment people,but paperwork same for years!

  • I think London will be fine. The North of England, much of which voted for brexit and especially the working classes and the poor will be, as usual an afterthought along with N.I. 

  • Doris ( pinocchio ) was the biggest puppet. Sadly for him, his puppet master with the big orange face got voted out.  Another tory gamble of putting himself then party first then country last. Who are our friends now ? Orban ?

  • true, cameron first got in by a false promise of a EU referendum which he didnt deliver on at all, then he promised it to get in a second term which i didnt trust and called him out on it due to the fact he promised it in his first term and didnt give it to us. then he got arrogant and assumed that 99% of the country wanted to remain because he is too stuck in his london centric echo chambler bubble.... little knowing that outside of london not a single soul in this country wanted anything to do with the EU. and so he lost due to his arrogance and his london centric attitude. its time for london to take a back seat for once.

  • true, cameron first got in by a false promise of a EU referendum which he didnt deliver on at all, then he promised it to get in a second term which i didnt trust and called him out on it due to the fact he promised it in his first term and didnt give it to us. then he got arrogant and assumed that 99% of the country wanted to remain because he is too stuck in his london centric echo chambler bubble.... little knowing that outside of london not a single soul in this country wanted anything to do with the EU. and so he lost due to his arrogance and his london centric attitude. its time for london to take a back seat for once.

  • Think Scotland should try and get in EU by themselves! Lol

  • They're blinded by their resentment towards the English.

  • Agreed,and i 25% Scot! Lol

  • It's the Welfare-Warfare State.

  • i think at first the EU would want to greatly fund and boost anyone who leaves the british union, in order to make it look like they was held back by britain and make it look beneficial to be out of britain. because thats the type of dirty trick the EU does.... but yeah, after a while and after the deed is done and britain is no more the EU would no longer care and thus theyd cut any and all funding they gave to ireland wales or scotland and instead smack them all with a massive bill to pay for it lol

  • The Union is dying a horid death. However, here in Northern Ireland, we would become Third-World if there'll be a United Ireland.

    Brussels had too many Aces up their sleeves in the Negotiations. And they're simply a subdivision of the US Democrats.

  • aye, and so it becomes that everyone can have a say on what happens in england, but yet the english cant have any say of what happens in scotland or wales or ireland.... and then they have the cheek to say that the english are the dictators in control. when we have less say on anything. honestly it will probably be for the better if britain split up just so the english can have their own fair representation for once in our lives and stop having other countries decide on our infrastructure and stuff when it has nowt to do with them.

  • I always find it funny how England doesnt have a parliament,yet everyone else in UK does. Cos in UK parliament others who know zilch about England always have say in things(mostly causing delay!)!

  • Bloody hell not the north south/working classes thing!  Are all south non working class? Even the South and South West are alot different than London,and i voted for Brexit,but Tory Brexit hasn't changed anything for England that's any better,cos like with getting meds for healthcare,Tory can't negotiate jack! Things to do with transmission of Covid has proved Tories couldnt run anything,but with other parties we'd still be controlled by Germany and all the bullshit that goes with it!

  • not sure, if anything london would be the only place effected by brexit, as the only possible thing the EU gave the UK was the services industry and that was fully based out of london and only benefited london alone.... so if anything the only effect on the UK of leaving the EU is london being screwed lol and no one cares about london aside from londoners.... so were all happy to screw london.... i cant understand why scotland voted the same way as london but yet claims to hate london centric rule though, they are rather contradictory given they vote exactly like westminster does.

  • I think London will be fine. The North of England, much of which voted for brexit and especially the working classes and the poor will be, as usual an afterthought along with N.I.