Neverending game of catchup

My whole Adult Life was spent playing catch-up.

Once I lost the Civil Service job in 2004, I was fired, my life was never the same. But, suppose, my life had to change.

Growing up doesn't come with an instruction manual. One has to learn through research and being prepared to make mistakes.


  • Growing up doesn't come with an instruction manual. One has to learn through research and being prepared to make mistakes.

    It does though make a world of difference if we do not get punished (or else we do not punish ourselves) but instead learn from our mistakes as being sensibly qualifying retakes.


  • Growing up doesn't come with an instruction manual. One has to learn through research and being prepared to make mistakes.

    It does though make a world of difference if we do not get punished (or else we do not punish ourselves) but instead learn from our mistakes as being sensibly qualifying retakes.

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