Challenging public policy and gagging orders

There's an interresting piece in the Guardian about the potential reluctance of charities to challenge public policy due to a fear of losing contracts with local or national governments or due to gagging clauses placed within those contracts - here:(

Can the NAS confirm whether there are any gagging orders in any of its contracts with local authorities, councils, national bodies or other public institutions?

  • Please sign or to call for an impact assessment and review of cuts effecting Autistic people and people with disabilities, Mental Health and Learning Difficulties.

  • Hope said:

    I think the NAS does some good in some respects: the quarterly Asperger United newsletter, this forum, and Communication magazine. However, I agree that too much space is dedicated to those at the very severe end of the spectrum. It would be better if more coverage were given to those with Aspergers, and more help provided. And Communication magazine has too many adverts, mainly recommending NAS services. More space should be given to helping people, instead of exercises in PR and self-aggrandizement.

    The problem with self-interest groups is that they not now promote the public good, because is it an economical entity, making the interest more to do with an accountants balance sheet, than real work in the community, the NAS should have LAS(local autism centres) around the country, simple fractal economics of harmony white noise(NAS) and the pink fractal background noise(LAS) producing.  


  • quote Paull "NAS cares more about its own self preservation than it does about helping those with autism"

    Number One rule off the Ancient Invisible Order, preserve the order AT ANY COSTS. This is the zealous stuff that put the world into satanic orders, be it religious, monarch, mason gang, privy, order of the order etc,, no one sacrifices there position with love. So that is why the autism NAS will never reach out, it is a psuedo snake word service abstract, were are the results of function.

    Micheal, thank you for the information of the board, some list Foot in Mouth,  and you and Joe Bloke are not on it, NO surprize there, as we only exist on the "surf"  level. One day you may be invited to the high echelons of the NAS privy circle.

    Forgive me folks,  my heart is covered in hate, anger and fear, because I stepped on a *** called the hanging truth and don't like the smell of mankind. I seek, in my heart now, one day the sun will rise the way it shines th isis day. Kiss

  • I think the NAS does some good in some respects: the quarterly Asperger United newsletter, this forum, and Communication magazine. However, I agree that too much space is dedicated to those at the very severe end of the spectrum. It would be better if more coverage were given to those with Aspergers, and more help provided. And Communication magazine has too many adverts, mainly recommending NAS services. More space should be given to helping people, instead of exercises in PR and self-aggrandizement.

  • I know what you mean Hohner

    yeah we must be brothers. have more in connection with you after knowing you for 1 minute than my real brothers, ones a schitzophrenic and the other two are criminals !

    Yes, its easy to want to hide away from society or find something to engross yourself in to take your mind away from it, but I find it better to fight. Yes people are a poison thats exactly right, their behaviour poisons society and as society gets poisoned they poison others.

    thanks Mike - but the whole issue of charity accounts is based on what goes where and what can be filed under what to make it seem less and to hide it away from the public, I know, I've worked in this and it's a truly disgusting business, believe me if you knew where the money was really going you would not believe it was legal.

    Also you sent me an email when I asked for help - all I got was some PDF files, I guess I now go under the figures in your annual report as an adult who has been helped. NO I have not had any help at all.

    If an old lady lying in the road asks me to help her should I send her an email with addresses of other people who might help her ?

    I hate NAS, I think its an absolute disgrace using the condition of other people as a way to make money. The Chief Executive is getting 140 grand a year plus expenses under the guise of helping those with autism, its just a business. I've seen hundreds of complaints about you and they are growing as I am going to add to them in all the forums.

    NAS cares more about its own self preservation than it does about helping those with autism.

    You claim to raise money to help autistic people, well here I am , HELLO, I am autisic can I have some help please, I need to get out of this hell hole of a room, my ears are burning, I cannot tolerate noise as I have severe hyperacusis, I was told by the NHS if I want help to go to NAS, I came here, did I get any help ? NO - just a £$%^ing load of PDF files - how one earth is this help -  just fobbed off with documents.

    Hi can I have some help please...... yes sure you can, here read these,

    When you replied did you tick a box on a form saying you helped 1 autistic person by replying to them in the forum ?

    Goodbye, I am not coming back to this stinking corrupt charity to help bolster your figures.

  • Hi hohner,

    For details of our Board of Trustees, along with the appointment process, annual report and accounts are here: 

    If you have further concerns or questions, please email 

    Best wishes,
    Mike, NAS 

  • Paull,

    Thank you from my heart for your reply, we are brothers. The points you and I raise are true but not many Nt's are going to admit it, so we have the problem in there closed eyes.  That is why I keep from people and society now if they are not concerned, why should I bother stressing out, I HAVE WOKE UP TO THE SMELL OF ***.  I am too analytical and sensitive, people are a poison to me, but a person is always innocent by grace, so I found out, by know thyself after I fell of a ladder.

    My hope is too get lost in self academia studies and plant a garden of flowers. I now find myself thinking awake in my sleep, and hopefully I can use my eye for light.

    WRONG PLANET ~ Autism



  • Your mostly right about all that Hohner - In my many jobs I've witnessed customers asking for an invoice completely different to the service they took so they can charge their company more money. A company manager using the company credit card for personal things and trying to disguise them, staff calling his mum in Italy every night - came to hundreds of pounds every month. Another debt collection company tracing people by using illegal methods. Another company price fixing. I once did voluntary work for a charity, I walked out a few hours because the main business was raising funds by begging letters and the director was paying himself a huge salary. I found this is the case with so many charities - even this one - the director gets paid over £100,000 plus expenses - in my opinion that is completely unacceptable. I have also worked with government (not UK) and they were totally corrupt. I once also worked in Burma, my boss would come periodically and give US$ for the bills and the manager would exchange them to local currency - after about a year I found he was exchanging them for about 40% more than the government rate, we assumed we had to exchange them at the official government place - he got sacked when I exposed it. As for NAS and 99% of charities, they are nothing but money making enterprises that spend a small proportion of the money they are donated to the actual causes they claim, most of the money is spent on structure/expenses/administration and salaries as well as investing in fund raising, while these may be necessary the ratios are exorbitant. Many of these charities still advertise on TV or have teams that roam the street to get people to sign for £2 per month despite having hundreds of millions in the bank, and I find it disturbing that many have chief executives paid over £100,000 plus expenses - with expenses and employer NI contributions this probably comes to £110,000 minimum - thats 55,000 people's £2 a month - these 55,000 people think their £2 is going to feed a donkey/give a child sight/water etc when its just covering the salary of one person.

    Everywhere you go people are just corrupt, they have no morals, no standards and its all about self self self and what they can get out of the rat race by fair means or foul.

    Take me to any company or organisation anywhere in the world and I will see all the wrong doing/theft and corruption from the staff up to the boardroom.

    In my opinion the majority of people who have money have it because they have done something wrong and the bigger a company is the more corrupt they are, it has got so bad recently and is getting worse, everyone does it because everyone else is doing it attitude.

  • A good example of the disease,,, they do this in america, the US Government FED gives money to charities and special interest groups which most of the time do not need the money, this builds up an influence policy and the money thus finds a home in the organisation, then the money gets pulled later, and then introduced again after new target strings are attached. Take the AA, they do not take money from government sources because of policy position strategies of the Government which are based on indirect political and containment controlling of the charity.

    Mike who are the board of directors of the NAS ? I can't find any information on the site, or is that an indirect gagging order.

    I trust no one,, some who say it was my Autism, some who say it was my intelligence, but I would say, it is because were more than one person gathers,, the corruption is doubled.., I have worked for a top blue chip company(due to IQ) in this country with access to board level and found the model framework is a concert corruption with government(whitehall/privy), not your TV political pretend order. The standard of the UK is corrupt, London is the dark seed of this corruption, the closer you are to London the darker the organisation is.

    What do you say snake ? sorry NAS Board. Give us your PR fork tongued reply through your drone machine.

    Everyone is caught up in the lights of society, the drama and the chase for rewards, with HFA you seen the framework, patterns in models and thus the corruption gates of every system were man is involved. Where people gather into organisation the corruption gets worse, the advantage is to cause disadvantage to others by a gap system(be it education, economical or birthplace), but those same corrupt people would do the same, the essence is impurity. Even the Privy is the same, it controls by non-competition(false co-operation), by favour from the crown. But this is the same device, even worse, because it is based on a system of positional interest not merit. The Blue Chips are a gang which runs the UK via ancient orders/crown/privy and government and we are not in it,, only as drafted slaves without agreement or veto. Right lads over the top,, bang.. bang ..! Millions to the slaughter for the a sacrifice to chaos and blood gods.

  • Hi Yossarian and Scorpion0x17,

    Thanks for getting in touch. I've been speaking with our Head of Policy to get back to you on this and she has confirmed that there is nothing in contracts that has prevented us campaigning/lobbying/commenting on Government policy. We have a number of campaigns that run throughout the year which lobby Government. 

    Best wishes,
    Mike, NAS 

  • Yossarian said:

    Can the NAS confirm whether there are any gagging orders in any of its contracts with local authorities, councils, national bodies or other public institutions?

    I would have thought that if there were they would be able to tell anyone!