Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi everyone,


    im an "older" mum (44) of a wonderful 7 year old son DX with ASD from 4 and a DD aged 9 who is currently going through "the process" of ASD DX (specifically aspergers).

    I'm hoping my experiece and naivety will help other people and maybe help along the way


  • Hi Maria,

    Welcome to the community - it's great to have you here. Smile

    If you have questions about what you're entitled to and think other parents/carers might be able to help, perhaps you could start a discussion in the parents and carers section? You could find the way there yourself or use the link below:

    More interested people will be able to find the topic there.

    Also you might find this information pack of interest:

    From that link you can also find information about benefits on the website.

    I hope that's useful.

    Good luck.


  • Hi all i am new to this!

    I am 23 and have recently married my wonderful amazing husband!

    We are from Liverpool.

    We have a 6 year old son who has just been diagnosed with asperger syndrome, he is currently in mainstream school. We have 3 children, our 6 year old being the oldest! Our other 2 children are, our daughter who is 3 and our youngest son who is 11 months!

    I would be extremely grateful if anyone could give me some advice about what help i am entitled to for my 6 year old son? Thank you

    I am looking forward to getting advice and also giving advice!  

  • Sleepy John said:

    Hi folks,     I'm quite an elderly Aspie, unexpectedly diagnosed at the age of 67, 20 months ago, and I spend quite a lot of my time overseas which means that although I belong to a local NAS social group in NW England, I can't attend too many of their group face-to-face social meetups there,  nor can I usefully join any group counselling or therapy sessions.    I've come here in the hope of finding some on-line substitute for what I'm missing.   

    Are there,  or could there be in future, any areas here where we could discuss personal issues in a small sympathetic confidential group of other Aspies?    I've found  plenty of on-line forums where AS children's issues and NT wives' difficulties with their AS husbands are discussed, but how about support for an adult Aspie male with serious life-changing questions on his mind?

    Hi Sleepy John,

    At this time our aim with the Community is create a welcoming public forum for all. So we're not planning to create private areas or small support groups. I can understand how it could be helpful but we're in a situation where we need to focus on the main area of the Community before being able to explore other options.

    It may be worth looking though the 'Other communities' area though, some of the other services we link to may offer a more private setting that you would find helpful.

  • Hello Spiritwind and Lauren

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting.  I hope that there will be plenty of information and advice to help you both


  • Evening all

    I am the Grandmother of and Home Educator to a fascinating 5 year old Aspie boy who loves trains, trains and more trains... Thomas and his friends.
    I breed and show cats, studying Child Psychology, qualified Aromatherapist and Stress Counsellor.
    Looking for more social interaction opportunities with like minded Aspie children and their carers living in the Middlesex area.

  • Hi, im new here    My name is Lauren and I have a son called James who is 3 and was diagnosed with Autism a few days ago.  Although its what we want its still a bit of a shock to get a diagnosis, but we try to see it as a positive thing that can only help him

    I also have a 1 year old called Toby and I am expecting baby number 3.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone!


  • hi everyone

    i am mum to three children 1 daughter 21, 1 son 15yrs with asd ,and his 14yr old brother who deserves a medal for all he puts up with lol looking forward to meeting you all x

  • It is very inspiring to hear these success stories of living with AS. I take the view that I can constantly try and raise the ceiling a little higher on what I can achieve, but I am realistic nevertheless. I know that I am never going to be the most empathetic, calm and collected person. I will always have anxiety, obsessions and social issues, for AS cannot be cured. But it is amazing what we aspies can achieve when we set our minds on a goal. Determination must be one of our most positive attributes

  •  Hello

    I am 23 yrs and was diagnosed two yrs ago with asperger's syndrome. I also have constant anxiety-health anxiety, things going wrong, obsessions and panic-and I am always hyper alert, can never relax which is extremely annoying. However, at least I can go into shops, travel on public transport and eat out now. Two years ago, I hardly ever left the house and could not walk past people in the street, but since my diagnosis I have received lots of support from social workers. Without this support, I dread to think where my phobias could have led.

    I like to be in control of my life and I need to plan things in advance, but I do like variety, so long as it is within a basic structure and routine. I have had, in the past but not so much now, extreme interests, so extreme that I could think about nothing else: Food, Titanic, actress Kate Winslet and babies (in that order). My Kate Winslet obsession lasted the longest, but I am not interested in her at all now. But when I was interested in her, I got very upset if I could not indulge my interest, to the point of having tantrums!

  • I am a Mum to a 7 yr old with AS, ADHD and SPD.

    I also am branch officer for a NAS group in Hampshire.

    Looking forward to seeing how this community grows.



  • Hi folks,     I'm quite an elderly Aspie, unexpectedly diagnosed at the age of 67, 20 months ago, and I spend quite a lot of my time overseas which means that although I belong to a local NAS social group in NW England, I can't attend too many of their group face-to-face social meetups there,  nor can I usefully join any group counselling or therapy sessions.    I've come here in the hope of finding some on-line substitute for what I'm missing.   

    Are there,  or could there be in future, any areas here where we could discuss personal issues in a small sympathetic confidential group of other Aspies?    I've found  plenty of on-line forums where AS children's issues and NT wives' difficulties with their AS husbands are discussed, but how about support for an adult Aspie male with serious life-changing questions on his mind?

  • Hello all,

    Looking forward to getting to know you. By the way, "saint" is an old nickname - I don't suffer from delusions of grandeur - not in this respect anyway!

  • hello everyone

    i think this site is good because i have Aspergers.


  • Hi Jambert and smileyjo,

    Welcome to the community - it's good to have you here!Smile

    Hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to hearing more from you.


  • Hello, may I just say that these discussion boards are wonderful. i am a mum to 2 boys aged 4 and 3. My youngest son is being diagnosed at the moment for ASD but they are not too sure were he is on the spectrum. Therefore this is all very new to me. This is a wonderful place for me to gain more understanding and to gain advice

  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm Mum to two gorgeous boys aged 5 and 3. My eldest has ASD and I'm currently considering getting my youngest assessed.

    I'm really pleased to have found a forum of people who 'get' our situation.

    I'm really looking forward to chatting with you all.


    Emma. x

  • I would just like to reiterate Jim V's comments and welcome all the new people to the forum. It is absolutely fantastic to see so many new "faces" on the forum and I hope that we can all help each other out in some way, be it with advice, a shoulder to cry on, or someone to make us laugh and lift our spirits. 

    Good luck everyone and I look forward to chatting with you in the future :)

  • Hi all,

    Just wanted to take a minute and welcome everyone properly. It's really nice to see people signing up and great to hear that people are finding this a useful service.

    So (takes a deep breath!) welcome columbine, rachmama, swan, mumcook, michaelfre, Tall Paul, skydivingturtle, Fifilebonbon, AmethhystGlow, mortisha69, Kester, mstar, roses, parentsofasad, Tantopat, Rosie M, miniminger, Ronnie, joanie, simon's Dad, shellspectrum, birdalone, Mio, anitabenno and samueljake :) (phew!)

    Also, hello to anyone else who's been reading and using the discussions by who hasn't had chance to say hi - it's good to have you all involved.

    And I also just wanted to say to michaelfre and mstar - feel free to start a discussion about the issues you've mentioned in your introductions. It'll give everyone a chance to follow what's going on and suggest some things that might help.

    I do know that Prospects often do work to help employers find better ways to work with their employees needs so you mind find it helpful to check on their services -

  • Hello michaelfre

    Your son's fits of frustration sound very like my daughter's - she's 18 now and it can be quite alarming for people who don't know her when she goes off on one (which is most days, usually about something I haven't foreseen). I take your point about speech therapy but wonder if a speech therapist might be able to point you in the right direction for further help. You can challenge them to come up with suggestions or refer you on - people in the 'caring professions' seem to listen to each other more than they listen to us.

    I really hope you can find the help your son needs as he's obviously trying really hard and deserves to be successful in making a life for himself.