Introduce yourself (part one)

Hi everyone,

We thought we'd create a discussion where people can say hello and introduce themselves.

You don't have to say something here but it'd be nice to get a chance to say hello Smile

Please remember that you should not share personal details (such as emails or phone numbers) to protect your privacy.

And don't feel you have to introduce yourself, it's entirely up to you and please only share what you're comfortable with.

  • Hi there


    I am mummypig, I have a son who is 6 years old diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome and also have a neurotypical 4 year old son too.  I separated from my husband who has also been diagnosed with Aspergers in adulthood.  I also work in the field of ASD.  All in all, ASD has touched my life in many ways... I've started to write a blog to share my experiences:

    I look forward to being part of this community :-)


    Best regards, mummy pig

  • Hi, I'm a mum of 3, my son who is 5 has autism and my 2 year old has traits only.  I have a 7 year old daughter who is not on the ASD scale.  Life is hectic, full and challenging, but in a strange way I feel blessed because my autistic son has inspired me to write, to challenge lifes "normalities," and opened our families eyes to see a whole new world.  Yes autism tore me apart when I first heard the diagnosis 2 years ago, but through reading everything out there and through alot of support from the NAS and Earlybird, it makes you see that autism is not a curse or hinderance to your or your childs life, but is something that can become a part of you, and with the right help and support we can succeed.  I thank the NAS for this commmunity website because so many people out there don't understand what we go through every day, and if we stand up for each other and our kids, we can and will give our children a future to be proud of. 




    Hi I'm Mum to a 14year old with autism, he is fairly typical for a boy his age , loves sport activities and being out and about! We are interested in all things sport and activity related at the moment and have had some great results .  

  • Hi Smiling, welcome to the Community

    *waves back*


  • Hi,

     I'm new on here :0) so please be gentle with me ;).

    I have a son diagnosed with HFA, ADD and Sensory issues.

    I thought it might help to pop on here to chat to people as I don't really have anyone else. I do have a husband :) but I'm sure you get what I mean when I say, I can't tell him 'everything'. 

    I've been through the angry rollercoaster and am currently in acceptance with the need to cry - that isn't forthcoming, happy, still angry, lonely, stressed..., etc. 

    I work part time while the kids are at school and log in when required in the afternoon/evening. I'm trying to learn what I can about ASD, S&L, Sensory, ADD, Statementing, Visual aids, etc while waiting on a very long list for S&L plus OT.

    Oh, plus doing OU course for change of career, if all pans out; otherwise will be good to know my brain is expanding ;)

    Anyhow - yes, Hi. *waving*

  • Hi Hope, Lindaloo and Special Music.

    Welcome to the Community. We hope you'll find it helpful and interesting. Smile

  • Hi everyone! My name is Gabriella and I am a Special Music therapist in the North East of England (Newcastle-upon-Tyne). I work with children and adults who have ASD. For years I also worked as a SEN teacher (ASD Specialist) in various special schools. I am looking forward to joining you all on this board!

  • Hi,

    Just discovered this forum and want to be part of it. Sometimes being a parent of a child with ASD can be so lonely.

    I have two girls, the elder of whom aged 14 has ASD. Only got diagnosis last summer so we are still trying to get to grips with what it all means although I must say finally having a reason for some of her more "unusual" behaviours is a great help.

    I look forward to sharing and learning from this facility.

  • Hello

    I was diagnosed with asperger's in March 2009. I am 23 years old.

    I also have a diagnosis of OCD-obsessions around health and contamination.

    I have a younger brother who does not have asperger's or autism.

    I like reading, researching, the Internet, food, museums and art galleries, and watching documentaries on TV.

    i am not really into fiction but will read classical novels from time to time, if they are full of factually accurate detail.

    I am very interested in people's lives and I like to collect information about people. I also like talking about myself and I have to try and moderate this, so that it is not just me doing the talking

    When I am anxious I tend to either talk non-stop or I become very quiet.

    I like to micro-manage every part of my life. I cannot handle un-planned , informal social situations. I am most at ease in a formal, one-to-one setting.

    I am scared of dogs, thunderstorms, crowds, contamination, and the unknown

    I am most relaxed when I am on the computer


  • nicholas said:

    hello im 14 and i have as Smile

    Hi nicholas, 

    I'm afraid, at this time, the Community is only open to people who are 16 or older. I'm really sorry about that but I'll drop you an email with details of other services that are available for people who are younger than 16.

    There's clearly a need for services for people younger than 16 and it's something we'll look at in the future but right now, as mentioned in our rules, we just can't open the service to people under 16.

  • hello im nicholas fearn , and i have recentley been diagnosed with as :)

  • Hi there

    New to this forum and thought I would introduce myself.

    Was diagnosed with Aspergers at age of 42 and still coming to terms with the diagnosis. Was a relief in some ways as gives me some explanation as to the problems I have had life-long. The usual scenario for a HF Aspie - very able academically (postgrad qualifications etc), always very hard working but never had career to match potential. Have never found working world comfortable and now not worked for 3 years which I find devastatingly frustrating.

    My defining "special interest" is animals - being with them and helping to foster a more sympathetic attitude towards them from people who mostly regard them as mere tradeable commodities. I like to think I lead an ethical and sustainable life!

    I suffer from extreme anxiety and consequently find it hard to enjoy things. I have recently taken up horse-riding again after a break of 10 years and I must say that although I have severe worries before going I get an immense amount of satisifaction when I have managed to get to the stables.

    I am indebted to my long-suffering partner of 20 years and my 3 rescue cats and guinea-pigs.

    I hope this forum allows other later-diagnosed Aspies to contribute as it seems the NAS is mostly geared towards parents of Autistic children. It would be nice to give more focus to those of us who have been late-diagnosed.





  • Hi

    Welcome to the forum. I hope that you will enjoy chatting with other parents on the forum and you will gain some invaluable support

  • Hello Lauren

    Welcome to the forum and thanks for your post. 

    The forum is still very much in its early stages and finding its feet.  It is aimed at all people with all forms of autism and their families / carers.  If you have any specific areas that you would like to discuss please post and we will see if we can help

    Best wishes


  • Hi Maria,I'm Hayley....I Also Live In Liverpool....What Area Are You In? I'm In Prescot.....My 2 Boy's Have Severe Autism Peter's Been Diagnosed For Nearly 4 Year's & Paul 3yrs ( Peter Got diagnosedwhen he was 5 & paul when he was 2 nearly 3) if u need any advice let me know   xx

  • Hi,My Name Is Hayley I'm 28 & A Mother Of 3 (2 Of Which Have Severe Autism) I Live In Liverpool.My 2 Little Boy's Got Diagnosed When They We're 5 & 2 1/2 Year's Old.....Their Both In A Special Needs School. I Love My Boy's All The World,Would Love To Chat To Other Parent's Who Are Going Through The Same As What Me & My Husband Are Goin Through.Thank's 

  • Welcome MrsSparrow - we hope you'll find our community useful and we look forward to hearing more. Smile
